My one and only love.

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Ariana Grande x The Joker

Ariana pov: 
I was walking down the streets of Gotham with my very feared and respected Husband, The Joker. See the public only thinks we're friends, he still has everyone thinking he's dating that Quinn girl. It's pathetic he wont tell them that he actually killed her, and married me. Then he has the audacity to be mad at ME when people ask me out. Like hello? I'm a celebrity for fucks sake obviously people wanna date me, he just can't see what he's got. 

I'm getting sick and fucking tired of it too, and any time I try to bring it up to him he always yells at me for being "Insecure" and "A big baby" and at this point I'm just so done.

He has zero respect for me. Like I haven't spent the last 15 YEARS defending him, helping him get out of the asylum, helping him get away from batman when he needed help. He just treats me as publicity for him. I'm done. Come tomorrow morning I'm gone.

I know he's still hooked on Quinn too. All he does is say "Harley was better than you" "I should've kept Harley" "I made a mistake leaving Harley" Blah blah blah. He doesn't even think about my feelings, my mental health when he does that shit. I cannot wait for him to be out of my life. I decided to not wait anymore. It's gonna happen, and it's gonna be now.

I interrupted him while he was in the middle of a rant about Quinn. "You know what, Joker?! I'm done with you. I don't care how much you miss Harley, I don't care how much you hate Batman. I don't care about you. You make it really fucking hard to love you anymore. I'm getting a divorce. No if ands whens or buts. I'm done with us and I'm most certainly done with you." I said loud enough for anyone around to hear, and boy let me tell you there was quite the crowd. 

I left the scene, hearing his footsteps behind me, "Grande! You know you can't leave, without me nobody will ever respect you!" He yelled, anger filled his voice. "What respect from you?! Nobody even knew about us you fuckwad!" I yelled back, walking faster away from him. "Leave me the hell alone before I sell out all your locations around the fucking world to batman!" 

With that, I was gone. Never to see or hear from him again. As I walked away, I heard his sniffles, but I couldn't care less about his feelings. He tormented me for years and years. I could not give a fuck about how this hurts him. It's whats best for me, and I come first. 

I walked away and I never looked back. I had 100 problems, but honestly I got 99 problems without him. 

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