Paul X Male Child Reader

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This is ONLY a father - son relationship nothing else

This is ONLY a father - son relationship nothing else

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After all of the four boys had fed they desided to spit up and do their own thing for the rest of the night. Paul wasn't one for calming things but tonight was different anything he would usually do didn't feel right so instead he was on the beach just wondering why his unbeating heart led him there.

That was until he heard a cry. His better judgement won the battle in his head and made him follow the sound until he came across a small child he only looked about three.

Paul tried to calm the child down which only worked a little until he did pick up the kid and gently started to rock him.

Paul started to realise he had grown attached to the kid and whant to ceep him and that is exactly what he did, he was a vampire and with that logic in his head was telling him that he could do anything.

When he got back to the others they didn't really care because it has happened before hens Laddie.

The two young boys got along and laddie was thankful he wasn't the baby anymore and now could be a big brother in the family but Paul would always be the child's new dad

I know it's short but I am thinking of doing a part two of this so tell me what you think.
Hope you enjoyed

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