Dates n late nights

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It was a stressful week for Y/n. It consisted Eddie trying to convince him to join hellfire, Steve bringing him ice cream whenever he have a free period and Billy flirting with him every chance he got. The weekend had finally arrived though y/n was not free from the the three males. Billy had been coming over every few nights with a new cut or bruise to be cleaned. Eddie had asked him to hang out on Saturday and Steve had arranged something for Sunday.

{Friday night 22:00 In Y/n's bedroom}

"So, when are you going to tell me who is actually doing this to you?" Y/n questioned the blonde on his bed as he dabbed a damp towel on the fresh wound on his cheek. "How many times do I have to tell you to mind your business?" Billy snapped, letting out a hiss as y/n pressed down on the cut. Y/n sighed and sat next to Billy. "If you gonna show up here and postpone my sleep I think I deserve to know who is hurting you." He spoke softly, giving Billy a small smile. He just glared at the shorter boy. "Fine, then I'll stop coming round." He rolled his eyes as he got up from the bed and walked towards the window. Y/n got up and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Billy, I'm not an idiot I've heard the rumours" Y/n gave Billy a sympathetic look. Billy grabbed y/n's wrist and turned to him. "The fuck is that supposed to mean?" He growled. Y/n stared into Billy's teary eyes. He placed a hand on his wounded cheek. "You don't deserve any of this, Billy." Y/n whispered just loud enough for the two of them to hear. Billy's grip on y/n's wrist tightened as did his jaw. "Stay out of this, Y/n." He warned as he stared down at the male. Y/n stepped closer to Billy as he caressed his cheek gently. "You don't scare me Billy."

Billy's eyes softened at the words. He was used to pushing people away by being aggressive or intimidating. Y/n picked up on his change in mood and smiled softly as he moved his hand away from Billy's cheek. Billy released his wrist. "I have to go." Billy finally spoke, breaking the silence. Y/n nodded slightly and opened the window for him. Billy climbed out the window and looked at y/n. "Im sorry that I 'postponed' your sleep." He murmured as he began walking away from the window. "Billy, wait!" Y/n called to him, he stopped for a second. "I didn't mean that. Please keep coming to me. Whenever you need me. Even if it's just to clean you up." Y/n pleaded as he stared at the back Billy's head hoping he'd turn around. Billy said nothing and continued walking away.

Y/n sighed and closed his window. He got into bed and tried to fall asleep.

{the next day}

The sun shon threw y/n's bedroom window causing the boy to stir awake. He sat up groggily and looked around his room. Suddenly the door to his room was thrown open and a very energetic dustin ran into the room. "Hurry up! Your supposed to be taking me and my friends to Mike's today!" He exclaimed shaking y/n aggressively. Y/n groaned and pushed Dustin away. "I can't get ready if your in my room." Dustin rolled his eyes and ran out of the room leaving the door open. Y/n whined and climbed out of bed. He slammed his door shut and began getting ready.

He threw on a pair of ripped black jeans and a plain white t-shirt. After tidying up his hair he left his room and headed down stairs. "Dustin, you ready to go?" He called to his brother as he threw on his denim jacket. Dustin came running downstairs with a huge grin on his face. "Yep! Let's go."

Once the two of them were in the car, y/n started the drive to Lucas's house.

"Hey, y/n, don't forget about that date with Eddie today." Dustin turned his head and smiled as he watched a huge grin grow on y/n's face. "How could I forget? He's been reminding me all week!" Y/n chuckled as he thought back to how excited Eddie would get when he brought it up. Dustin shook his head, he was happy for his brother but knew the whole thing was a bad idea.

Soon enough y/n had picked up Will and Lucas.

"Ok is that everyone?" He asked the younger boys. They looked between one another. "Where's max?" Lucas asked. Will and Dustin let out a groan and they broke out into an argument about how there were no girls aloud. "Stop arguing!" Y/n snapped at the boys causing them to stop there bickering. "Am I picking up this max chick or not?" Y/n turned in his chair to look at the boys in the back, blanking his brother out. Lucas nodded but Will shook his head. Y/n sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Ok, what about Mike's girlfriend. Will she be there?" Y/n turned to Dustin. His eyes widened and he hit the back of his head against the chair. "Probably.." he sighed and turned to the boys in the back too. "I say we just go get her. El and max can hang out while we do our campaign." He explained. Will sighed but agreed to it.

Sharing is caring {Eddie x Billy x Steve x male!reader}Where stories live. Discover now