Pickup Lines

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What (bad) pickup lines would they use on you?


❣ "Hey baby, are you from Tennessee, 'cause you're the only ten I see ;)"
❣ "Yuji, we are Japanese."
❣ "Oh yeah... :( "

❣ "When I text you goodnight later, what phone number should I use?"
❣ You snort, which is not the reaction he wanted
❣ "Fine, no text for you then >:( "
❣ "Wait, babe, no-"

❣ "I didn't know I wanted a woman until I saw you ;)"
❣ "Babe, we're lesbians."
❣ " :) <3"

❣ "Can I follow you, 'cause my mom told me to follow my dreams ;) "
❣ You call her a dork and she threatens to fight you

❣ "If you were a transformer, you'd be Optimus Fine ;)"
❣ "Babe, you know I never watched those movies :( "
❣"Okaka >:("
❣ "Sorry, sorry! Yes, I get it. Thank you, babe."
❣ " :) "

❣ Me panda, no understand human speak 

❣ "Do you have a name, or should I call you mine?" ;) ;*
❣ You walk away
❣ This isn't the first time he's said it, and it's been unironic a few times which is concerning
❣ "Wait babe, come back! WILL YOU BE MINE? BABE??"

❣ "What had 36 teeth and holds back a monster? My zipper ;) "
❣ You stare blankly at him for a solid minute
❣ "Babe, what the fu-"

❣ "What does it feel like to be the most gorgeous person in the room?" ;) :)
❣ *Reader.exe has stopped working*

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