To the End || Geto x Reader Pt. 2

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Warnings: Gore, death, massive manga spoilers :)
Genre: Fluff/ Angst
Rating: PG-13
Pronouns: Gender-neutral/ NB
Reader Notes:  I'm using the GN parent name 'Nibi' because one I think it's so freaking cute and two it refers to a non-binary parent who doesn't go by mom or dad!! So this is definitely going to have p much only manga spoilers, so if you haven't read it yet, maybe hold off :) also I love my stupid little daughters who are obsessed with their phones :) <3 more updates coming soon to this book + more updates/ new books are going to be published by moi so stay tuned 


"Girls, please. Remember what I said. When we're out in public, we have to be on our best behavior as to not draw attention to ourselves." You leaned down, pulling Nanako's hat tighter over her light colored hair, brushing the girls bangs out of her eyes as they readied themselves to head out into the cold winter air.

"Yes, Nibi." Nanako and Mimiko echoed back to you, waiting patiently for Geto to join you all so you could head out.

"Are you guys ready to go? Look at you, my adorable girls!" Geto smiled down at the kids, patting their heads as they beamed back at them, turning to you for some sort of equal praise.

"Yes, you two are exceptionally cute, if I do say so myself. But I may be a bit biased as your Nibi." You squished their cheeks, the two girls giggling as they each grabbed a hand from their respective adult, Nanako sticking with you and Mimiko with Geto, as it usually was.

"So, to the store, then the cafe, and the park? Then back home?" You ran over your plans with your partner, tilting your head at him as he nodded along.

"Nibi, Papa! I want ice cream too!" Mimiko interrupted the conversation, waving her tiny hand in the air while Nanako mimicked her, the two babbling about their favorite food at the moment.

"But it's so cold! You'll freeze!" You teased the young girls, already taking out your phone to find the nearest ice cream shop. These new phones with the map system built in were a life saver when it came to raising children, especially two energetic young girls who liked to explore.

"Hehe. Nibi, you are silly." Nanako snuggled up to your arm, smiling up at you with her chubby cheeks.

"Mmmhm. You're just trying to butter me and Papa up for the big ice cream, aren't you?" You raised an eyebrow, looking between the girls who were glancing around like they hadn't heard the comment.

"Alright. C'mon. Nibi found a place. I guess we can do the shopping tomorrow." Geto sighed, hoisting up Mimiko into his arms, stopping and doing the same for Nanako when she realized she was being left out.

"You know, you two are so lucky Papa loves you so much. When I first met him, he-" You froze halfway through your sentence, panic filling your face.

"Geto, hide!" You ordered, shoving him and the girls into a nearby alleyway, peeking around the corner as you saw a set of familiar faces standing on the street you were heading down.

"Nibi?" Mimiko tugged on the back of your shirt, worried as to why you looked so scared.

"It's okay, baby. You two don't worry about anything. Nibi and Papa just know some people out there, and we're not all on the best terms. So we're just going to wait here for a little bit before we head back home." You soothed the girl's concerns, the two of them reading the situation and not bothering to argue against the loss of their sweet treat.

"Who?" Geto leaned next to your ear, holding his breath as he waited for an answer.

"Ieiri and Gojo. It looks like they're on a job. They're coming this way, sh-" You felt your body being pulled back by Geto's arm as he released one of his plentiful curses, whisking you two and the girls away, out of sight of the sorcerers who were dangerously close to finding you out.

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