Aggressive In Intent

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I breathed in a bout calmly while looking at my stab wounds in the mirror.

"Man....That knife cuts deep."

While I was checking on my wound in the mirror, I heard the front door open followed by a,

"I'm back!"


I unlocked the bathroom door before I walk out of the bathroom and see just mom who had more than just bacon with her. Looks like she had another bag on her, but right now, she was giving me a confused look.

"Yeah honey? Why are you shirtless?"

"Mom......Don't freak out but....."

I turn myself around to show her my wounds as she gasps,

"My baby boy! What happened to you?"

"I..........I got attacked mom......Someone was and potentially is still in the house mom."

"What??? Who?.......Who did this to my baby boy???? WHOEVER YOU ARE, I WILL GIVE YOU THE WORST PAIN OF YOUR LIFE!!!!! YOU HEAR ME????"

Not a word was said in the house...At this point, the attacker was likely gone......Likely. Cause I was still skeptical about the whole thing.

"Hopefully they still ain't here...But anyways, stay still there and let me help patch up those wounds of yours."

"Mom I really don't need y-."

"Don't you tell me what I can't do! I can do this just fine! Just let me help my baby boy!"

"Ugh...Guess there's no point in arguing with you now."

Mom wasn't just someone who stuck around, but also had time as a nurse. So she had good enough knowledge about how to patch a few people up no problem, stitching wasn't her strongest suit, but she still did better than me the first time I attempted to seal a wound on her arm....Good god....Now that was a horror movie in the making.
Thankfully, the rest of the day went by fine as I was able to thoroughly enjoy my burrito along with mom before I was heading to bed.....Once I finished brushing my teeth, I got back to my room nearly hitting my head at the door but at this point I'm used to it. Before feeling a vibration at my phone. It was Amber....She was shooting me a text.

"You doing ok (M/n)?"

"Not really no...Just watching over my back...."

"Why? What happened?"

"That ghost fucker attacked me in my own house..."

"Oh gosh! Are you ok???"

"Well, at least I'm alive....."

"Come on! Are you ok?!"

"Not really....Still feeling the effects of the knife that was stabbed in my back......Not fun....Not fun at all...."

"That sucks.....Mind if I meet you this morning on our way to school?"

"If you want to.....Guess it'd be a bit safer than going by myself....."

"No....Not just for you...But for me.......I'm scared (M/n)..........I'm getting afraid."

"Hey.....Calm down......Remember....I'm still here.....And I plan on never letting that son of a bitch hurt you.....You got that?"


"Good...Now I'd you don't mind, I'm gonna get some sleep."

"Ok. Good night (M/n)...."

"Good night."

I ended the text before putting my phone away and starting to close my eyes before heading to sleep quickly.

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