Hi? 😃

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So I only just remembered that this book exists,so I started reading all the old chapters and...
I have so much second hand embarrasment it's not even funny. Fr tho wtf is this 💀
This is so fucking cringy and I literally wanna jump off the face of the earth 💀.

⚠️TGW⚠️/mentions of depression,and su!c!d£. Don't read if you can't handle.

(but do not do that becuse your amazing and it'll get better I promise <3) Anyway I'm planning on deleting the book and my other book that's pretty much abandoned. I don't really use Wattpad anymore, School and lifes a bitch so I don't have time for literally anything besides my daily crying session.❤ I still like to write sometimes and I have ideas for some stuff, but that's for later since I'm currently hanging onto life by a string that's getting thinner..Anyway enough of my annoying venting, this is goodbye for now so bye I guess.

Bye ❤

Also here's a meme bc why not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Also here's a meme bc why not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Mmm bong water 😋

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