lol no update for yall but pls read 🙏

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Sometimes I sit and think about what happens after you die and then I remember that this book exists and that I apparently have a following on this app wich is honestly unbelievable. I never expected people to read this book or pepole to even acknowledge my existence here so thank you to  everyone who's been reading my garbage writing.

Iv never actually put them down but I have other socials if you wanna follow me there I'm quite active on Instagram (I think).

And I also wanna say iv made a public discord server free for anyone and everyone to join if you want. It's a small server right now but everyone's welcome (as long as ur nice and not toxic) it's lgbtqia+ friendly :] all fandoms welcome (as long as you are not toxic or rude)

The lovely link:

My Instagram if anyone wants to fallow and see how ugly as shit I am 🥰:

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