Party pt 1

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!TW! mention of drugs, drinking, degrading no smut this chapter though a lot in the next one

It's currently the middle of the day at school and y/n and I are in ELA (Wednesday) Y/n and I are going to a party Steve is hosting tonight. he wouldn't tell us who's coming or what we're doing he just told me to bring some weed and 2 six packs (he said he'll get everyone to bring at least one pack of 6) I know y/n loves getting high with me so I'm excited to see what tonight brings. I'm picking y/n up at 6 so we can get dinner before the party. Steve's house has a pool so me and y/n got matching swimsuits together they're orange with little pictures of weed on them (I picked it out myself and haven't told them yet) I literally can't stop thinking about how they're going to react to it they keep looking over at me and trying to get my attention "ok class we're going to start our group projects today so pick a partner and start working" the teacher said. I know y/n never hesitates to pick me as they're partner so I knew we'd have fun but just as I thought that I felt a tap on my shoulder it was Chrissy- Chrissy Cunningham why would she come over? "Um Jason isn't here today so I have no one to work with" she said shyly "we'll I'm working with y/n I'm sorry" y/n looked at me and I just winked and nodded Chrissy left in a huff.

"So you excited for the party y/n" i guestioned "of course Eddie" they replied back

It's 5:45 so He should be here soon I'm wearing this
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Y/N POV:It's 5:45 so He should be here soon I'm wearing this |                           |\/                         \/

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I know Eddie loves when I wear skirts so why not. I'm really excited to hang out with him and my friends DING-DONG oh that must be him I thought jumping from my bed I ran up the stairs to where Eddie was standing "hey beautiful" he said planting a kiss on my hand "you and that brat brother of yours ready" he asked "i am, but I don't know about Dustin" i said "HEY DUSTIN HURRY UP" I yelled up to his room "I AM HURRYING" he yelled back "WELL EDDIE AND I ARE WAITING FOR YOU SO HURRY YOUR ASS UP" I screamed impatiently "wow I've never seen you so feisty y/n" Eddie said as Dustin came running down the stairs "hey Eddie" he said "hey dork" Eddie said back "Less talking we're gonna be late" i said rushing them! "Ok sis calm down" Dustin replied "let's go" Eddie said

"Hey y/n" Steve said "Eddie, Dustin good to see you guys" i walked into the party to see robin,Jonathan,Nancy,mike,max,Lucas,and will waiting for us. They greeted us and robin asked if we wanted to play spin the bottle but 7 minutes in heaven version. I said yes first and everyone else agreed. "Ok I'll go first" Jonathan said spinning the bottle oh what a coincidence it landed on Nancy they went inside and we continued to play, next Lucas went he landed on robin "but she's gay do I have to kiss her" he asked "just go to the closet" Steve said "BUT IM GAY" robin yelled "just go robin!!" Steve said they left and Steve went next as he spun Nancy and Jonathan came back and sat down "y/n" Steve said "how fun" he came over to me I looked at Eddie with fright and he just nodded and blinked longly "ok, I'll be back Ed's" i said concerned almost scared. "Don't worry lover boy I'll have your princess back in 7 minutes" he said with a grin. "They better be" he yelled as we walked away we walked in and robin and Lucas walked out (it took us that long to go) I could tell they didn't kiss or do anything so I thought I could do that with Steve.

We got to the closet and closed the door I was trying not to make eye contact but he was staring me right in the eyes god he was attractive but no where near Eddie attractiveness "kiss me y/n" Steve said pleading "I can't" i said
"why not" "because I love Eddie and I could never-" he cut me off with his lips on mine

"I swear to god if they're kissing in there I'm gonna kill fucking Harrington" i said "wow calm down I think I like them with Steve better than you anyways" Dustin jokes everyone laughed except me. Ouch did he really think that we had been dating for so long already it felt like I had just been punched in the throat. "Jeez Dustin you really think so" I asked "no of course not you guys are awesome I was just joking" he said concerned even if he was joking it made me question myself am I sure they really like me are they just using me I had to stop thinking about it I was getting to worried.

I pushed Steve away so he would stop and I checked the timer "shit still 3 min" i said "hey that's alright" Steve said and tried to kiss me again I pushed him away again and said "why don't we just talk for 3 minutes" "ok I guess so" he said kinda sad "good I don't want Eddie to think I enjoyed that" i said "well did you y/n" Steve asked "w- what no- no of course not your gross" i said stuttering "sure you didn't" he said. We talked about school and the science project and before we knew it time was up "ok I better go talk to Eddie now" i said leaving him in the closet. I get out to Eddie and he's sitting on the poolside wearing a silly bathing suit but he looks sad so I sat next to him and asked him what was wrong "nothing" he said I looked down at his hands and he was holding something that looked like his bathing suit but 2 parts "what's that" I asked "this" he asked back "yeah what is it" he raised it up to about head level and said "it's for you" he handed it to me and I saw the bright orange with the bright green weed leaves on it I let out a bit of a giggle making him look over "I love it" i said "really" he asked "yes in fact I'm going to put it on now" i said knowing it would cheer him up I stood up and accidentally dropped the suit and bending over to pick it up I knew he would like what he saw but I just kept walking.

When I got it on I loved it it looked like this but orange
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Damn Eddie has good taste I thought proudly as I walked outside to see no more Eddie I went back to where he was sitting before and waited "AHHH" i screamed as I felt his rings on my legs almost pulling me in "EDDIE" i screamed again kicking my le...

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Damn Eddie has good taste I thought proudly as I walked outside to see no more Eddie I went back to where he was sitting before and waited "AHHH" i screamed as I felt his rings on my legs almost pulling me in "EDDIE" i screamed again kicking my legs he jumped out of the water and sat beside me "that looks great on you" he said smirking "I know" I replied he giggled "just wait till I'm pulling it off you tonight" he whispered. As he said that I jumped into the water splashing him "Y/N" he yelled while laughing he jumped in with me almost pulling me down with him "what the hell eddie" i yelled "sorry he said picking me up in the water and straddling my legs over his waist and kissing my neck Steve watched it all happen and I saw his face go sad I giggled "wanna get high with me" I asked Eddie "I thought you'd never ask you whore" he replied we rolled up a joint and shared it with a beer after we were higher than the stars he asked me if we wanted to go to his place of course I said yes and we went to his car. On the whole drive there he had his hand on my thigh mine was on his dick. I knew what was happening when we got to his place. Sex.

1418 words
I'm really tired also sorry for posting so late I promise I'll post sooner tomorrow also it will be a shorter story tomorrow but I'll post a long one the next day

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