My Sugar Sweet

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But Jisung was right.

Minho fell apart on a Tuesday night, cuddled up in Felix's arms some four weeks later. They'd been watching a mild horror movie- nothing too crazy, but the plot had begun to make everyone uncomfortable. There was an underlying storyline, one of the characters had been attacked at a party. It was too similar, too obviously not okay- and at the end of it they could see the glazing over of his eyes. The tense way he was holding himself.

Jisung tried to help, but he kept drawing back- keeping them all apart from himself.

The men floated away a little at a time, checking in on him and saying goodnight until it was just Hyunjin left.

"I'm heading out Minnie. You need anything before I go?"

"Uh." And he was just standing there, staring at the floor.

"What is it?"

"Can you uh... stay?"


He looked up, eyes too wide, smile just on the wrong side of crooked. "The movie... it made me scared. A little. I think."

"Okay. I'll sleep on the couch."

"Just- no... come lay with me?"


The Omega was pulling him up the stairs, into the room. He pressed him against the inside of the door, kissing the taller urgently.

"Muh-mmm... Min?"

"Please- uh- please." He was shaking, pulling Hyunjin's shirt up, his scent giving nothing away. Only sweet praline- warm sugar.

They kissed heavily, and then Minho was yanking him onto his bed. He hadn't been there since they'd first met.



"Take this off- yeah- all of it. Want your skin on mine."

He pulled his own clothing away, watching Minho shake below him, his hands struggling with buttons and fabrics.

"Help me." He couldn't even get his own jeans off.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes-" those tortuous lips, whispering against his mouth "yes, stop. Give me- uhn give me everything."


'Be quiet. He's hurting.'


'Stop fucking with our scent you idiot.'

The spice and cream was strong, thick. It was almost strong enough to where Yugyeom's smell might start to come through, and that was the last thing he wanted.

"Don't be mean Jinnie." The elder pouted.

"Never. Could never be mean to you." Hyunjin tried to distract him with deep kisses, weighted hands running all over his smooth skin. But it wasn't enough.

"More. I waited."

"You don't want to talk? This is a still kind of rushed-" he was cut off as the Omega ground up against him.

"I am talking. I told you to... dammit..." he sighed "-fine. That's fine if you don't want to." The smell of burnt candy.

"Hey. Sugar? Kitten. You have to know that I want to." He emphasized the statement by grinding down himself. Pressing his aching length against the Omega's.

Minho keened; throat fully bared.


'We aren't discussing anything right now. When I need another dumb idea, I'll let you know."

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