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\\ Ink's POV: //

As I was in the doodlesphere doodling an AU a creator asked me to create, they told me they wanted me to give it a spring kind of theme. So I was visioning what it will look like and what the characters would look like too, suddenly when I was about to finish the drawing I felt a wave of destruction hit me. 'How many AUs is he destroying now?' I asked myself, it felt like he was destroying 3-4 AUs? I think? Geez, that's quite a lot, but I guess it's okay as long as he doesn't destroy over 7 AUs, that would be a bit problematic. Plus it would mean he's betraying the truce, meaning another long.. decade was it? No no it's century right? Yeah a century of rivalry between us... I hope that doesn't happen though. Anyways what was I doing again? Oh right! I finally finished the drawing so I went on and started creating the base code of the AU, at first it was a white void, like the anti-void, except it'll become a beautiful spring-themed AU! I started creating the Ruins, which were pretty easy since they already have a spring-like vibe to it, all I needed to do was recolor it and give it more of a nature-like theme! Toriel's house was kinda hard but I managed to do it, then I started on Snowdin. Though since the AU is supposed to be spring-themed I called it Scilladin, Scilla is a flower poisonous to humans and animals in the surface, but in this AU, it can be found anywhere around the underground and it doesn't harm the monsters at all! Although the hotlands is an exception of course, that environment is too warm for the flower to grow in. While I was making Sans and Papyrus' house, I felt another presence in the AU. I knew someone else was here, but who was it? I haven't even started on the characters yet and only Sanses with god-like powers such as me have the ability to teleport between AUs, and even if a random monster opened a portal to this AU then I would've heard it. I stopped what I was doing first and got into a fighting stance, as I saw who it was I sighed and calmed down. It was just Error, what was he doing here? 

"What are you doing here? Geez, feeling your presence so suddenly scared me y'know."

"H-hEh, i-I knoW. CreAt-Ting a N–nEW aU hu-HuH?"

"Yeah, another creator asked me to. Speaking of which, can you help me give this universe a name?" 

"me-MEh, o-0kaY I gU-guESs."

"Great! So I've been thinking of calling this AU Springtale, but it seems a bit too basic. Do you have any other name ideas that scream spring fever?"

"S-sO tHi-ThiS Is a-A spriNG–tHeMEd Au, aN-AnD aPpARenTlY eVEryOn-e he-Re l-LikES pLanTs?"

"Yeah, I guess, so any ideas?"

"... W-wHAt aBouT F-FlOristTalE?"

"FloristTale? Error that sounds PLANT-tastic! I love it!"

"h-HEh hEH, I k-KnOW. YO-yoUr pU-N waS prEttY FLy foR a ca-CaCTi. G-gEt iT? CaUSe yoU'Re a p-pRicK."

"Rude! But nice one"

"eH i'M go-GoNNa g-gO NOw, i'Ll bE i-iN tHE an-aNTi vOId iF YOu wa-Nt tO hARaSs mE."

"Oh har har, you're soo funny. Don't worry, I'll make sure to annoy you after I'm done so you won't miss me so much!"

And with that Error left, and I continued making the AU. A few hours later I finally finished, and the AU looked amazing! I left before any of the characters see me, and I of course  went to be an asshole and annoy Error till' he snaps at me!


601 words(without this A/N)

Not bad for a prologue, hope you all enjoy this rewrite!

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