Chapter 11 A Family Meet Up..With a Twist ___________________________

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Chapter 11

A Family Meet Up..With a Twist


(Adelard's POV)

(One week later)

It has been a week since Veera joined, I had an opinion on the first meeting but it has changed ever since she apologized. She's been less flirty than usual which is quite a good thing in my opinion. Veera has actually been quite a big help around here.

Today my mother has invited the family over for dinner to give us some news, i really hope it's not that serious. I quickly change into my suit as that is what my mother requested me to wear and I head to Anthony's. To my surprise he's all ready and has even made his grandmother a card. Anthony has only met my mother once when he was a lot younger than he is now, I hope she has a liking for him and won't mention his mother at all.

"C'mon Anthony, let's get going!" I yell as I stand outside waiting for him to tie his shoe.. "Coming Papa!". We both take our seats in the car and listen to some music on the way.

As soon as we arrive the door sprints wide open as my aunt signals for us to enter. As I get to the door, she kisses my forehead as well as Anthony's and leads us to the dining table where I see my sister, Walter, Tommy, Mum. I greet them all at once and take my seat. "Oh my what an adorable child you have!" says my mum as she looks fondly at him.

I chuckle and say "Well..he got it from me".. We all share a laugh and get a knock on the door. I look around to see who's missing but I just can't seem to make out who it is.

My mother shoots up from her seat with a smile on her face and runs to the door like a child. I slightly hear her greet someone who I amke out to be a woman. Alaina looks at me worryingly and gets up to get dinner. I then see a young woman with light brown hair enter. I shoot up from my seat as soon as I realize that it's Veera!. Mother pulls a chair out for Veera and makes her sit, Veera looks at me with a smile "hey Adelard~"..

"O-oh hey Veera" I say looking at my mother. "Oh, I'm guessing you two know each other"

I hear my mother say with a smirking grin, "yeah we are work buddies, isn't that right addy~" Veera says as she stares back at me "y-yeah" Alaina stares at me as she knew i was getting uncomfortable "s-so, mum can we start?".. "-oh right yes, we shall start".We started to eat and while then it seemed as if Veera's eyes were glued on mine and it made me feel bothersome. After dinner everyone helped clean up the table and the kids headed upstairs.

Mother told us all to head to the lounge as she had an announcement to make. Judging that Veera was there, I knew it wouldn't be good news. "As you see we have a lovely guest with us, her name is Veera, I assume you two have already met, correct?".. "Yes" both me and Veera respond "I have talked to Veera but I have not yet discussed this with Adelard so i thought i should say it to you all so my energy doesn't go to waste" We all stare at one another clueless about what mother was going to say.I look over at Veera to get a hint of what mother was going to say, to my surprise she was so wide i thought maybe her lips were going to ripp. "So-" just before mother could say another word there was a knock at the door, at this point there was only one person who would always make it late to everything..Clay. .Alaina ran up to the door to answer and as expected there he was the big man.. Clay. "H-hey, sorry for being.. yuh ..late?" Everyone starts to laugh as he heads in to greet everyone. After the interruption mother started again "so, as i was saying before i got rudely interrupted".. "S-sorry" Clay says with a smile "anyway,the reason i have invited Veera, is because.. I as the head of the family have decided that Adelard and Veera are to get married by next month" The silence grew louder, no one ever thought this would have happened but as expected mother was full of surprises. "B-but-" I say as rage came across me. "No buts, it has been decided that me and my good friend have already arranged everything-" Just then a voice from the stairs came roaring "I-I DON'T WANT ANOTHER MOMMY!" I then realized it was Anthony "Adelard please calm your child down, I thought you taught the kid manners, I assume not" mother said as her tone raised "M-mother i never agreed to this-".. "I am the mother here so i decided i don't need your opinions to make my decisions" there had been so much that has happened in the past few weeks, Fluer and i got divorced after 5 years of marriage, my best friend well enough my lover left me, and now mother wanted me to get married again? She must've been out of her mind.I normally respect mothers decisions but this time she had taken it too far. I stood up as my emotion took over me "M-mother i don't want to argue and i don't accept".. "Who said you needed to accept it?, whatever i say happens with anyone here like it or not!" Mother yells as she slams her hand on the table "i'm not a kid anymore mum, i can make my own decision , i appreciate it but i-i can't".. "Once again i said!- "NO.." everyone started to stare as my voice yelled "what do you mean no?" I heard mother say as her voice started to raise once more "i said no... i said i'm not going to marry her".. "I already told you!-" Alaina stands up "mother he said he didn't want to, so end of story, why don't you ever understand!-".. "Young lady, you keep yourself out of this, this is between me your brother and Veera dear" Alaina sat down looking me in the eye, mouthing 'sorry' as she thought she could've done more.

After a bit of arguing Alaina took the kids back up as once again it was getting out of hand.I then went out for a bit of fresh air as this was all so much to handle.I sat on a log that was placed outside and stared at the moon till it all went away. "Adelard.." I snapped back to focus as I had heard someone. "Hello?, is anyone there?" I say with caution I then see a tall figure emurge, it was Clay "O-oh hey Bro" I say "Hey..I just came to check one you.. Becuase y'k" Clay says as he tried his best to make me feel comfortable "i-if you want i can-".. "No, it's fine.." i finally say "O-ok" after a few moments of silence Clay finally says "wanna head out and get a beer?" we both laugh "sure" I texted Aliana that me and clay would be heading out for a bit, and she doesn't need to worry.We then head to the car to the nearest bar.

After a few beer's Clay finally asked "W-wow calm down man, we don't need a drunk Adelard.." I look up at him as I start to feel dizzy, I then tear up "come here" I hear Clay say.After a few moments Clay hands me a few glasses of water to sober me up a bit. "Are you feeling better now?" Clay says as he takes the empty glass of water out of my hand "y-yeah...sorry.." we both look at each other "do you wanna talk about it?.." Clay finally says "i-i-i..".. "You don't have to.." I look down for a second trying to bring myself to.. I couldn't keep it to myself anymore although i did tell Alaina, i never really opened up as she already had so much to deal with. "I-its fine, i tell you".. "Take you time..".. "So.. you remember Fluer right?.." i hear Clay shroff "yeah that 2 faced b**ch".. "Well s-she.." I started to break down once again inside as my voice visibly started to crack. "What did the A**h*le do this time.." i heard Clay say under his breath "s-she..had an a-affair..with someone .. b-before we got married.." I look up as tears streamed down my face, I see Clay look at me trying to process the words I had said "what do you mean-" it went quiet for a bit as Clay's face went blank "so Anthony isn't.." I gathered the courage and said "y-yah.. He isn't my biological son..".

End of Chapter 11

To be Continued....

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