Red Riding Hood AU

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In which this takes place where Danny is the red riding hood and Amalthea as the big wolf but not seemingly bad as everyone thought.


It's merely once in every two to three weeks, a routine to deliver sweets and pastries to his dear abuelita whose settlement is deep within the neighboring forest. Doing this for years made this routine a simple brush on the shoulder, though he won't deny he's shaky as a leaf when he's obligated with such a chore at a young age. Folks scattered rumors and tales of what lies beyond the forest, especially the infamous big bad wolf, a corny label, but nonetheless a creature one wouldn't dare to face.

He's wary of his surroundings, yet the more frequent he's done this, the less petrifying his travels to his grandmother's hut seemed. In fact, he come to enjoy the soft crunch of the grass and little branches beneath his shoes, the fresh pine aroma, the birds melodiously chirping, and the trees bustling with the whistling wind.

It's...therapeutic. He'd choose this over the obnoxious hustle and bustle of the crowded village.

He strides the familiar dirt path with ease, a basket at hand, and cloaked with a deep crimson hood, and of course, the ever-friendly smile on his short, blunt muzzle.

Danny the squirrel has quite the reputation being the naught in the village. The troublesome little man he is, regardless, dearly loved by his abuelita whom he cherishes and endears as she's one of the very few who sees past his façade of mischief and recklessness.

The least he could do to repay her patience, her love, and her kindness for him, is to deliver a basket of goodies catered albeit reluctantly by his parents. Since he's acquired with the role to deliver this, he filled the basket mostly with his own home-made pastries. He smiled excitedly to treat her the arepa con quezo he prepared himself. Not perfect, but he tried his very best.


His thoughts were cut short at the faint snap of twigs that wasn't caused by his own steps. It's from...somewhere distant.

Ears are perked, scanning where the invasive sound was last heard, and hoping to catch the ones following after, but then a light gallop of footsteps came from far behind.

He turned quickly to only see bushes swaying from prying movement.

That's his confirmation. Something is there.

"Mierda," he swore silently to himself.

Years of passing by this familiar path that is deemed to be peaceful is now besieged at the very second he lets his guard down.

The weight of its paws galloping the earth ground is nothing to the neighboring harmless critters. A growl was heard, and he didn't need to look whose and what it's from, and hastily bolted.

He dashed, and the growl nearing closer and closer, and so are the thundering footsteps. Danny could easily cipher this creature is massive. The adrenaline topped with his fear of his impeding death quadrupled that his grip over the basket's handle tightened-


He felt his chest squeezed. The despair never match the instance of his realization that he's leading the beast to his abuelita, endangering her safety.

Danny gritted his teeth, hesitant and agitated, he chose to fight back his in-flight response and took a sharp turn to face his fate.

He refuses no harm done to his sweet grandmother.

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