Another nightmare?

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"It's useless" I said. I was in his room, Oliver's room, the one I saw on Skype.

"Why do you always put yourself down? I just don't get it.." We were laying together. No longer were we boyfriend-girlfriend.. That ended just before Christmas.





He stroked my hair, his arms around me. I have no idea what happened and why I'm here, I just know that I'm in my true love's arms. Maybe it's not a nightmare.

"What's wrong?" He asked suddenly.


"You just tensed up."

"What? Really?"

"You are ok." He pulled me closer and kissed the top of my head. His hand shifted from mine and up my arm. I flinched when he crossed over my scars.

"Shhhh..." He gave me a slight smile. "It's ok, missie." I smiled, hearing the nickname.

The door to his room flew open. It was Addie, my ex-best friend, the boyfriend stealer.

"ADDIE!" Oliver screamed. He shoved me away, I barely caught myself before I fell to the floor.

"Oliver.. Don't trust her! She left you because she thought she had a chance with a jock in our class! What a fu*king looser." She yelled and laughed. Oliver jumped from the bed and embraced her in a hug.

"She's a lying freak. She only cut to get attention!" Addie screamed. "She never loved you!! Listen to me! Oliver, love me, she hates you!"

"I knew it.." He said huskily, anger swept through his eyes.

"Oliver? I thought you loved me? Please don't leave me.. I honestly love you.. All relationships have rough patches. Ours wasn't perfect. I miss you and I want you back, lovie.. Please don't take my best friend away from me.." I was crying now. "Ollie, I trust you, I LOVE You.. When your little sister walked in on our Skype call and asked me if I fancied you, I wanted you to unplug the headphones and let me shout to the world that I, Carly, was in absolute pure love. Ollie, she's lying.. She did this with Braxton. She doesn't love you.. Oliver!" I cried, the tears blurred the image of Oliver making out to my best friend, and the edge of the bed. I reached out toward him and fell, into a pit of darkness.

The falling confused me. I should have been on the floor, not here. The darkness was almost silent. Until I fell straight into the middle of a brawl. My mum against my brother.

"What the f*ck! You always do this, MUM!" My brother screamed in the kitchen.

"Your the pathetic b*stard that should have never been born! I don't even know why I let you live!" My mum screamed back.

"Your the drunken mother f*cker that is always out getting drunk off her a*s! I'm the one who's doing everything around here!" He screamed back.

"Your dad left because he hated you! He only faught for custody because he wanted his own personal slaves!" She screamed.

"Your a horrible mum and you should kill yourself!"

"NO!" I screamed, almost unable to keep it in, they both looked at me, with pure hatred.

"So you think your so f*cking perfect? Huh? Your just a little slut that can't handle herself. On the Internet? We should cut it so you can't talk to anyone!" My brother screamed.

"Why don't you stand here and take a whooping like the little bit*h that you are? You think your soo perfect.. Kill yourself! No one would care!" My mum screamed at me. The tears threatened.

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