*ੈ✩‧₊˚ CHAPTER 4 || Skipping class.ೃ࿐

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2nd person POV

Today was gonna be alright. Almost nothing to do except a few little things and the project but over all, it was gonna be okay. Or at least that's what you thought.

A paper ball hit your head 3 times already and you knew it wasn't an accident. Ran Eun Ae, that bitch has been messing with you since morning. From tripping you over to hiding your textbooks, she's been overly annoying today.

The teacher wasn't looking and the other students weren't paying much attention when the fourth ball hit your head. That was it. You tried not to mind everything she's done until now but you just couldn't handle it this time. You grabbed your pencil case and threw is right at her face hard before she could even throw a 5th.

At that moment, all eyes went to you.

"Ow! That hurt!" She cried. Of course it would hurt. The pencil case was metal. You rolled your eyes at her as she wailed pathetically.

"Ms.L/N! What kind of behavior is this?!" The teacher shouted, slamming his marker down on the table. Now, Ran Eun Ae was fake crying to get all the pity. There were some students that knew what actually happened but were just scared to say anything which you understood but you were still irritated.

"I was only defending myself sir," You said but the bitch was quick to object.

"She hit me with her pencil case and I didn't even do anything!"

"Can you shut that big mouth of yours for just a second?!" You shouted and the teacher snapped.

"Y/N L/N, I will not tolerate that kind of behavior! Go to the office at once." He said, pointing at the door. You rolled your eyes and grabbed your things. You slammed the door really hard on the way out.

Fucking bitch, can't do anything without being an inconvenience to others. And just because you were a famous girl with good grades doesn't mean the teachers aren't strict on you. You weren't gonna go to the office. At least not now.

You decided to go outside and just walk around until the next class or something. This wasn't the first time this happened but it doesn't happen a lot. At times like this, you just go out to calm your nerves.

You've been wondering what to do to stop Ran Eun Ae from ruining your mood every time you see her. You could always just beat her up but that wouldn't work. That tongue of hers was made for lying. You were gonna stop her sooner or later. You just needed some time alo-

"Y/N? What are you doing outside of class?" You heard a voice behind you. You stiffened up and slowly looked behind you and saw Ahn Jiwon carrying 6 books.

"U-Uhm, I got kicked out... Temporarily." You said and he raised his eyebrows. You sighed.

"Please don't tell the teacher that I didn't go to the office." You asked him and he just stood there.

"Alright, but where are you headed to?" He asked and you pointed out the door.

"Just outside, I have nothing else to do anyway." You replied, looking at him, expecting a response.

"Mind if I join you?" His question really confused you. Why would he wanna skip classes with you?

"What?" You asked him.

"I could just tell them that I had an emergency." He said.

"But why do you want to join me?"

"You don't want me to join you?"

"No, that's not it I just wanted to know why."

"I'm getting a bit bored of my class. Let me tag along and I won't tell the teacher about it."

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