Chapter 1

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A scent of something floral and sweet suddenly engulfed you from behind, with arms encircled around your waist warming your shivering body.

You were about to turn around to see who the culprit was but a very sweet sexy voice slurred through your right ear as the stranger whispered, "I need you to help me out and pretend to be my girlfriend... Please."

Your eyes widened at the request. Her arms left your waist and slowly snaked around your neck as she lingered her mouth at the skin just below your ear, her breath sending foreign yet good feeling throughout your body.

As you began to stand from your stool and turn around, warm soft lips unexpectedly met yours, making you let out something between a gasp and a moan.

You tried to see who it was but from the angle, all you could see was her dark brown hair and closed eyes, and all you could feel was how amazing her lips felt moving against yours. So your eyes betrayed you as they closed on their own to experience the full sensation.

Your right hand slowly reached to cup her face as you deepened the kiss, licking her lower lip as if asking for entrance. And the stranger let you have a taste.

Exploring each other's mouth, you found yourself addicted to the taste of strawberries and alcohol.

She also seemed to enjoy the kiss as much as you when you felt her arms wrap around your neck, pulling your face and her body closer to yours. Pressed against each other, your heartbeat started to race. Her fingers ran through your hair and gently pulled against it when you softly bit her lower lip. You quickly slipped your tongue into her after that action, making her release a tiny whimper from her throat.

A forced cough nearby suddenly made its way to your ears, but the stranger didn't seem to care as she went on kissing you, devouring you as if stopping could make her forget you and forget this moment, memorizing every detail about everything good she was feeling right now. Because that's what you think you were doing as you gave her what she wanted.

When someone suddenly gave a light push unto your shoulder, you and the stranger abruptly pulled apart.

A taller guy with blonde hair was glaring at you like murder with his nostrils flaring. You swore he looked like a dragon, expecting fire to breathe out of his nose.

He began to cross his arms against his chest as he demanded, "What the fucking hell is this?!"

The guy's eyes decided to leave you and were now directed at the stranger in front of you, who still had her arms around your neck. You followed his gaze.

The moment you did, forgetting how to breathe would be an understatement. Standing before you was a goddess so beautiful, you thought you already died on the spot. For seeing someone so ethereal would only happen in paradise.

There she was already staring right back at you, with her piercing green eyes, the same shade you associate with summer in the country side. Her lips looked so puckered up like she had just been thoroughly kissed, which she really was. You assumed you must also appear the same.

"Hi, Jarvis! Sorry I didn't see you there," the girl said, although you were sure she never was sorry. "Oh, I'd like you to meet my girlfriend."

When you realized she was looking at you to take the reins, you immediately greeted the lanky guy before you.

"Hi! My name's Y/n. Pleasure to meet you," you began, holding out your hand for him to shake.

The interaction made Jarvis scoffed. "Girlfriend? Yeah, right. As if I'd believe this little game you're playing, witch. Come on, are you that bored? She's just a kid, Wanda! Why don't you make an effort and find someone your age?"

And then he was grabbing her with a tight grip on her wrist, making her let go from you.

"Let me go, you're hurting me," Wanda exclaimed.

Something sparked inside of you, pushing the guy away with all the strength you learned from two months babysitting your nephew on his karate lessons.

You didn't even remember what you did. Your vision turned dark and the next thing you knew, he was crumpled on the floor, tending to his bleeding nose. When he saw blood from his nose, he glared at you with shock.

"You punched me. You just punched me... Who the fuck do you think you are?!" He spat as he shakily tried to stand.

"Don't you ever, ever come near my girlfriend again!" you angrily replied, still feeling emboldened by confidence surging through you.

Wanda's hand suddenly wrapped around your wrist and pulled you with her, away from the gathering commotion. And you let her.

Once you were outside the bar, she let you go. And you immediately apologized, knowing you might have overstepped. Though in your defense, Wanda didn't give you enough time to discuss the roles and limitations of being her pretend girlfriend for one time.

"I'm really sorry. I know I shouldn't have done that..."

"Hey, it's okay," Wanda cooed softly as she approached you, taking your right hand in hers, freshly red from punching the guy. "Let's get you some ice, huh?"

"Oh, no, it's okay. You don't have to-"


You both turned towards the source, where you found a taller woman with blonde hair and a shorter brunette coming your way. Behind them was another girl probably about your age with braided blonde hair and piercing eyes, glares aiming towards you.

Wanda somehow was enveloped by hugs from what seemed to be her friends as she let your hand go.

"I knew we shouldn't have left you to order drinks alone. Did he hurt you somewhere?" The taller blonde asked worriedly. "I swear I'm going to kill that douchebag ex of yours..."

"No, I'm fine-"

"It's not fine... Jarvis cheated on you and he still acts like you're his possession."

You couldn't help but agree to her friends. Jarvis didn't even know how lucky he was to have someone like Wanda.

Why do good people settle down for less?

A couple of guys suddenly came running towards them, as you stepped back into the shadows.

"What happened? We heard some commotion inside and Jarvis shouting with a bloody nose?" One of the guys immediately asked.

They were still so invested in the conversation that they didn't even notice you leaving. At first, you thought it would be rude to leave without saying goodbye, but maybe sometimes, things were great being left a mystery.

What a fun night you had. Now you didn't know if you should thank your bestfriend Kate about the invite to drink out on a night before your first day back at the university.

But you guessed you were grateful when Kate didn't show up because if she did show up, you wouldn't probably be lucky to have kissed someone as beautiful as Wanda.

And you wondered whether you'd see her again.

That wonder was answered the following day when you came up ten minutes late into your first class and the professor was already there writing something on the whiteboard, her back at the class.

You were staggering through the crowd, muttering excuses and apologies as you made your way to an empty seat.

"Ten minutes late... Very bold move," you heard the professor say in a firm voice that sounded so familiar.

You apologized as you finally took a seat.

You glanced before you the moment the professor turned herself around to face the class.

When your eyes met, hers widened in surprise while yours in disbelief.


I Will Gladly Break My Heart For You (A Wanda Maximoff Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now