Chapter 4

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From the beginning up to the end of your date with Wanda last night, you didn't miss any single detail as you shared the tale to your bestfriend.

Kate suddenly went wary as she noticed you so happy, reminding you every now and then that it was all just an arrangement but she did it so carefully so as not to make you down.

"I know, that," you said, clutching the strap of your bag tightly as you both walked through the corridors of the university before lunchtime. "I'm just... I don't know. Maybe she wanted it to be more as much as I wanted to."

"Okay, and you can tell this by what?" Kate asked, frowning her brows. Then she stopped you before you reached  the cafeteria. "Look, I know you like her so much. And hey, maybe she finds you attractive too. But we're talking about a professor here. With that age gap, I doubt it'd last, especially when her ex is  still lurking around. He could actually make your last year in this university worse."

"Hey, she's not that old," you defended. "And Jarvis is just a jealous asshole who doesn't even know what he's talking about. I think I can handle him just fine."

Kate pursed her lips. "Maybe... But as much as I find this arrangement very amusing, I also don't want you to get hurt. Or worse, not being able to graduate-"

Wanda suddenly appeared right in front of you, her face so beautiful and radiant, you immediately stopped in your tracks. Your immobility shutted up Kate's speech.

"Hey," you stuttered as Wanda gave you a warm kiss on your cheek as a greeting. You couldn't help breathing her in as if she's your life support.

"Hi, Miss Maximoff," Kate greeted, as she offered her hand. "Y/n's first partner in crime, Kate, at your service."

Wanda gave out a laugh as she shook your bestfriend's hand. "It's nice to finally meet you."

Then you noticed Wanda was carrying a small red lunch bag as she glanced back at you.

"I actually want to invite you for lunch with my friends," she said, then she looked at Kate. "You're free to join as well."

"Oh, no, Miss Max-"

"You can call me Wanda, please. I'm not your professor," she quickly added, smiling.

"Okay, Wanda," Kate corrected. "I... Well, I actually have to meet up with someone for lunch."

When Kate finally left you two, you began to talk to break the awkward silence that was beginning to rise. "She actually had the courage yesterday to ask her crush out."

"Really? That's very brave of her," Wanda commended.

Then she looked at you nervously, and you could see she looked somewhat guilty. And for what reason, you didn't know.

"Are you okay?" you asked, sounding worried. Wanda only nodded as she leaned towards you, snaking her arms around your body, head resting against your chest. Melting yourself from the action, you instinctively hugged her back.

"Bad day?"

"No... I just miss you," she answered, her voice muffled in your chest.

You let out a soft laugh. But you were already flustered because you missed her more.

"I have to warn you, though," she said when she pulled away, tangling her hands with yours as you made your way to the cafeteria. "My twin brother, Pietro, is here to join us."

It was a nerve-wracking experience meeting all Wanda's friends at lunchtime, especially when those said friends were substantially older than you.

You couldn't even bring up topics you could talk about or maybe inputs to the things they were talking about until Pietro arrived.

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