Chapter 2

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The past is the past you can't change it

No matter how much you wish you could

Make sure you don't make the same mistake
Make sure the chains never got near you

He used to........ tell me how he loved me

That he wanted his children to be carried by me and only me.
My body filled with him carrying his young.

Since all of those things were said during the moments of great intensity.
I.... just thought it was just in the heat of the moment, That it was just a fetish he had. Like ........Like many other demons do


Her reactions: She is crying in great distress while saying all this)

If only...... I knew




He Said

Was the


(Her reactions: Starts talking in anger)

And the worst part of it all............... he was planning on making it all happen
(Her reactions: Starts laughing like a crazy person, tears still flowing.)

What. I didn't know. back then. is that he...... He wanted ME to carry his younglings, right after he become the Demon king

Back then, I didn't even understood

(her reaction slight chuckel) thought

It was just a sexual relationship

Nothing serious
Just to gradify our thirst and a need for a very specific attention and warmth.

His arm would always be around my waist....... well more specifically my stomach. His long  tongue would lick every fiber of my being..... Inside and out. Long nails would trace my skin.

But the fun can't last long,

not long after

His words of obsession and lust started stopped being just words and in the heat of sexual interaction...... Those words started to be spoken outside the bedroom

And started to worry me greatly.

He started to forbid me from leaving his room. Fucked me every morning, afternoon, night, didn't matter to him, huh, I barely ever had any rest. We tried all kinds of position, toys as well as drugs. Anything to make me more sensitive then I already was........ Nobody was allowed to see me. My body felt like it would give up at any second and time.

His attention was overwhelming. It started sufficienting me.
All the cravings he constantly had or the long fucking months of not being able to walk hell! sometimes not even talk properly. My voice failing me constantly.

The Demon kings loverWhere stories live. Discover now