WarHammer x Loona-Part 8

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Atop of the hill stood a Ork, cladded in thick plated armor, who dominated the ranks of his peers around him. His name.....was Skullcrusher. He was amongst the strongest of the ork race. He held the title of warboss as he had grown to be the tallest brute there was within his territory standing at ten feet. His tusks and fangs bore the bones in brass embroidery of the enemy they were up against.....humans. Him and his men was painted in red, signifying the spirit they believed it would make them stronger. Skullcrusher led his battalion on with the frontal assault as the humans in their armored mechs charged. Just as they were about to clash between the two races, a large portal opened underneath them and they fell into a void. The space marines were confused at what just happened. The landscape before them was cleared of any orks in their trail. The ork army was plummeting to the ground from a great height. They crashed onto the pavement as some landed ontop of tall pillars of glass, metal, and concrete. Skullcrusher was rolling over onto his stomach before slowly pushing himself up, kneeled down on one leg.

Skullcrusher: Arrrggh, puny humans running away like cowards. Grunts, reform so we can attack the humans once more!! And what's that whaling noise!?

[SIREN NOISES!!!!!!!!]

All around them was fire torching the ground and streets they walked on. All of the orks looked around them to see abnormal looking creatures scattering the streets to hide. They stood blindly to the situation that was happening. It was until they looked up to see a flock of crows weilding spears.


The ork army advanced towards the group of exorcists as they rained down upon them all. Skullcrusher swung his mighty maice at the crows with the strength of a charging bull. Many of the exorcists got knocked back from the force and ached trying to get back up. Some of the smaller orks were getting close to being picked off by the exorcists that teamed up on one that was stranded on their own. Skullcrusher was moving to support his underlings but was swarmed by a flock. He gleamed in the corner of his eyes at the exorcists trying to out number him. He readied his maice and waited for the crows to make the first move. They all lunged at the brute ork and stabbed their spears into him, only realizing that the tips of the spear head hit a solid wall. The ork's body was covered from head to toe with the strongest metal to the known universe. He let out a bellowing roar before performing a full circled spin, clobbering the bodies of the exorcists. The crows that laid serverly beaten were crushed under the weight of the ork's leg stomping down ontop of its body, pushing its broken ribs through its vital organs. He slammed the maice down upon the head of another exorcist, splattering its brains in an explosive puddle of black blood. He raised his weapon up into the air, rooting for their soon coming victory in their current battle. All of the other orks joined in on the victory blare clashing their weapons together with what little remained of the crows. There was a feminine scream for help by someone running down the road. The ork leader turned around to see a wolf like animal being chased by another exorcist. The juggernaut of an ork dropped his weapon to the ground where he stood and charged at the exorcist, thirsty for more blood. The wolf was running  aimlessly without looking where they were heading, only to stop last second as they were about to collide with a person who was shaking the ground with each step he took. They ducked to the ground just in time as the ork waved his arms back before smacking his fists together, squashing the head of the exorcist with little to no effort. Its corpse dangled from between the ork's hands until it fell to the ground. The ork looked down at the small canine still crouched in a ball before picking them up to eye level. Skullcrusher was fascinated by the small creature.

Skullcrusher: Hmmmmmm, fluffy dog.

??????: Um, thanks...for saving me?

Skullcrusher: The fluffy dog talks?

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