Matthew's P.O.V
I'm sitting on the floor again. I don't know why I do. It's just... comfortable? It's better than the bed. The bed's a pain in the back. Seriously, the mattress is to springy. They told me they're thinking about taking the straightjacket off. Obviously, put 10 more locks on the door. But hey, I'll be able to move my arms. They'll put it back on when they let me wonder outside though. Being in here has made me thought about who I am. When I get out of here, I'll kill all the bad people. I'd love to see the look on a criminals face, when they meet their demise. To me. A 16 year old boy. People really shouldn't underestimate me. I know what you're thinking. If you're killing people, then you're a bad person as well. Think again. I'm getting rid of the scum. Yeah, I did kill my best friend and my own brother. But I can control it now. I think I can anyway. I haven't tried to rip somebody's face off in the last 3 months, so I think I'm good. Dr. Franklin suddenly busts through the door, making me jump. He smiles at me, then walks back out the room.
"I'll be right back, Matthew." He calls.
He left the door wide open. Dingus.
"Hey, bro! Long time, no see." Someone smirks down at me.
He had a scar, permanently marked on his neck. No. I can't believe it. It's Breydon.My brother.