Chapter 10~

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After Chris was finished with me, I was just lying there, still coming down from my high. It hurt to move ,but I don't regret a second of it. I laid there and looked over at Chris and Ricky.

Ricky was on his back on the bed, with Chris on top of him. Ricky had his arms and legs wrapped around Chris, Chris had his hands on Ricky's hips, and they had their heads buried in each other's shoulders. 

Chris was moving at a steady pace, being careful not to hurt him. Watching them was making me feel like I didn't belong here..They weren't fucking like some porn stars or what Chris and I just did...They were lovers, making love.

I don't belong here.


(The Next Day~)

When I woke up, I had an arm around my waist. I looked up and saw Chris was in between Ricky and I, with his arms around us. Ricky's head was on Chris' chest, with his arms around him.

I saw my head was on his chest too, so I carefully pulled his arm off of me, and slid out of bed. I pulled the only clothes I had, back on, and searched for a pen and some paper. When I found it, I scribbled down a note to Chris, and placed it by his head, on the pillow.

I headed downstairs, and took one look up the stairs, before I opened the front door, and walked out.


(Chris' P.O.V~)

I groaned and my eyes slowly fluttered open. I looked down and saw Ricky's head on my chest, sleeping peacefully. That's when I remembered what happened last night. I smiled, but my smiled faded when I realized something...

Something isn't right.

I looked over and saw Devin wasn't next to me. I sat up a little, causing Ricky to wake up a little. He looked up at me and smiled. "Good morning." I looked over and saw there was a note on the pillow, beside me.

Ricky looked at me concerned, and asked "What's wrong?"

"Devin's gone." I picked the note up and read it.


I appreciate how kind you've been to me so far, but I can't stay here. You and I both know, you don't need me. You and Ricky are clearly meant for each other, and I can't ruin that. I'm just a whore..

I'm sorry for being a burden, and you won't have to worry about me. You'll never have to see me again, and you and Ricky can be happy together.

Goodbye Chris, I hope you have a nice life with Ricky.

I'm sorry.


My heart shattered a little when I read that...He left. He left because he thought he was just a toy I can fuck whenever I want.

I can't let him go, he'll get hurt! And his clothes aren't really for a young guy his age, and someone will either kidnap him, rape him, or even kill him.

I can't let him get hurt!

Ricky got off my chest, and asked "What do you mean, he's gone?"

"He left because he thinks he doesn't belong here....I need to find him. He's gonna get hurt, and I can't let that happen."

"I'll come with you-"

"No, no, stay here in case he comes back. Hopefully he hasn't gone far. Just stay here, and I'll be back, okay baby?"

He nodded and said "Okay."

I got out of bed and pulled my clothes from last night back on, and kissed Ricky on his forehead. "I'll be back, I promise."

He nodded and said "Okay...I love you."

"I love you too."

I quickly ran downstairs, grabbed my keys, and got in my car. I turned the car on, looked to see if any cars were coming, and pulled out of the driveway.

I've got to find him....

I hope he's okay..

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