Chapter 11~

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(Devin's P.O.V.~)

I was walking along the sidewalk, with my arms wrapped around myself. I hope I don't get stopped by a cop or something...Cause I'm not dressed exactly normal, I look like a male prostitute...Even though that's what I am..

Tons of cars drove by, with most of the people looking at me funny. There were some people walking past me on the sidewalks, giving me dirty looks. A couple people whistled at me, but I ignored it...I ignored everyone.

As I was walking, a car pulled up to the curb, beside me. The passenger window rolled down, and the driver said "Hey baby, you lost?" I ignored him and kept walking. But he caught up to me and said "Hey, you shouldn't be out here by yourself...Not a cute piece of ass like you...What's your name baby?"

I looked over at the guy and said "Why do you care?"

He smiled and said "I just wanna know...Maybe we could get out of here, and get you somewhere safe..How 'bout it, beautiful?"

I was about to answer, when I heard someone yell "DEVIN!"

I looked over and saw Chris, getting out of his car, and running towards me. The guy looked over and when Chris got to me, he threw his arms around me, and hugged me into his chest. He rested his chin on top of my head and said "You scared the shit out of me, Devin...And Ricky's worried about you, too..Why the hell did you leave?"

He pulled away and looked down at me, with sad eyes. "Why did you walk out?"

I folded my arms over my chest, and felt my eyes water. "Because I don't belong with you, Chris. You have Ricky, you clearly love each other, so why the hell would you throw me into the mix?"

"Devin, I know I picked you so I could go easier on Ricky, but it's more than just that. Him and I are an open couple, and we don't mind at all, having you with us. Ricky likes you, and so do I. You don't need this lifestyle, Devin, you're gonna get hurt."

"I've never got hurt before."

"But that doesn't mean you won't. Devin you're young, you're beautiful, and if the wrong guy saw you, you could end up dead! I don't wanna watch the news tomorrow and see that you've been found dead! I can't have that, and I won't let that happen!"

After hearing that, I didn't know what to say...No one's ever cared about me, ever since I started doing this. I felt a tear roll down my cheek, but he wiped it away.

"Come home, Devin...I'm begging you. Just come home, and you'll never be alone ever again."

"Hey buddy sorry to interrupt your sob story, but I'm fucking horny, and I saw him-"

"Would you shut the fuck up?!" Chris said, cutting him off. The guy rolled his eyes and said "Fine, fuck you faggots." and he drove off.

Chris looked at me and asked "So what do you say?"

I bit my lip a little, and smiled. "Alright...I'll come back."

Dirty Boy (Chris Motionless & Devin 'Ghost' Sola)Where stories live. Discover now