the gravitron

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A.N: for those of you who don't know what the Gravitron is it's basically a UFO ship ride that spins you around. you stand against the wall and it will slide you upward when you reach a high enough speed. It's also the ride that Joyce and Hopper rode with the Wheelers in season 3.

Fall Festival, Hawkins, Indiana, 1988.

Because Hawkins just had to be that town they often hosted at least one fair every year.

As of right now Hawkins was hosting the annual Fall Festival, and it was their last day there.

So naturally the gang had to go tonight since they hadn't been yet.

They'd all been having fun as friends and going on rides together and everything was amazing. Up until the debate.

"No, no, no, you can't make me!" Lucas exclaimed.

"Lucas, come on, all it does is spin you around and that's it. Tell me how you're gonna ride the Skyscraper but you're gonna bounce because of the Gravitron." Max tried to reason.

"Yeah, Lucas, man come on." Mike said.

Will looked at the group before finally landing on Lucas, "Please, this one is my favorite?" He pleaded.

Lucas looked around and sighed, "I'm not gonna tear the group apart just over one ride. You all can go, especially Will because of his sad ass eyes, fuck you for that by the way, but I'll just take El over to the Tilt-A-Whirl since she's been wanting to ride it anyways." He finished.

They cheered and El grinned. Win-win situation.

El and Lucas laced their arms together and they walked toward their destined ride. Max didn't mind, her and Lucas were still dating, sure, but she also knew El and Lucas were really good friends and had finally started bonding. In fact, she was pretty proud of them. She had heard that they weren't the best at getting along in the beginning and was pretty happy that her best friend and boyfriend were finally getting along, well better than they were at least.

She smiled and boarded the Gravitron along with Dustin, Will, and Mike. The park was near empty by now seeing as it was almost 12 am and would be closing soon. After they all got on the ride master started the ride since it was only those 4 and no one else was in line.

Dustin and Max got on one side of the ride and Will and Mike headed for the other.

Max and Dustin were talking about a joke Steve had made once and were laughing. Will and Mike however weren't talking much, not on purpose but simply because they were thinking.

Mike stopped in front of Will to ask him something but before the words could even leave his mouth the ride started.

Which led to a bit of a predicament, specifically for Mike.

Will, Dustin, and Max had already gotten situated on the ride, but seeing as Mike had stopped in front of Will he had not gotten into his spot.

So when the ride started spinning...

it flung Mike wheeler right at Will Byers.

where their lips connected.

Will and Mike's eyes were open at first, but only out of sheer shock at the fact that they were kissing. And then it hit them.

They were kissing.

And they both only had one single thought.

Fuck it.

Mike melted into the kiss and put his hand to Will's face, pulling him closer. Will kissed him back, and put his hands against Mike'chest.

Will was happy, he had only been waiting for this moment for years now.

But even so that was too long for him, in a desperate attempt to show Mike just how much he had wanted it, he deepened the kiss and gripped Mike's shirt, wanting more.

Mike never expected to feel this way but he was completely enamoured with every fiber of Will Byers.

The two continued the kiss hungrily, passionately.

Almost as if the world was made up solely of them.

But it wasn't. And as the ride slowed the spinning and the two boys broke apart their rather heated kiss breathing heavily, Max and Dustin couldn't help but to start clapping.

"Whooo!" Max yelled, grinning and cheering.

Dustin was just as thrilled, "About fucking time!" He shouted.

Will was grinning like a fool and Mike couldn't help but to smile sheepishly.

Max and Dustin just high-fived each other and chuckled.

Mike looked into Will's mesmerizing Hazel eyes.

"Hey, so I, kinda like you." He said quietly.

Will looked back at him, "Well I just might kinda like you too, Wheeler." Will said, grinning smugly.

And at the mention of Mike's last name it caused him to turn a deep scarlet.

Which only caused Will, Max, and Dustin to erupt in laughter. Mike and Will grabbed each other's hands and walked and started to leave the Gravitron.

So as they left the ride, Max couldn't help but to tease the pair, "Hey, so how was that ride, guys?" She chuckled.

Mike and Will both blushed again and the four left to meet up with Lucas and El, who were already waiting for them.

El looked at them questioningly, "Hey, what was so funny?" She asked.

Dustin and Max looked at each other and smirked, "Why don't you ask these two?" Dustin said, motioning to Will and Mike.

Will sheepishly looked away and held up his and Mike's hands, still laced together.

At this, El and Lucas could only gasp.

"About damn time." Lucas said.

El giggled, "Holy shit, yeah congrats, we've only been waiting years."

Mike looked up at her, confused, "Huh-"

" Don't be stupid Mike, we broke up in 8th Grade and it's our Junior year, I couldn't be happier for you, and I can't say I'm genuinely surprised seeing that you and Will never acted like just best friends. "

Mike pouted," So you're telling me the only people who didn't know was us?" He asked.

Will looked up at him this time and wrapped his arms around his shoulders." No, the only person who didn't know was you, I have been very known for a long time, Wheeler. " He said smirking.

Mike blushed, which further led to the entire group laughing.

"Okay, you two, quit being adorable and let's go. It's closing time." Max told them.

They laughed once more and began to leave the park. "Well today was fun." El said happily.

But I think it was safe to say that that wasn't the only word they could use to describe that day.

We could all agree that it was interesting to say the least.


I got this idea a while back but wrote it down today and I hope you can understand what the ride does and looks like and everything. If not,

well Google exists.

But also I hoped you enjoyed it tysm. And also if you have any songs that remind you of Byler please comment them.

For I have reasons that I will not be giving context about yet.


but til next time bye love you alllllll

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