twenty three

30 4 73

Felix stands on his very tippy toes, searching the crowd of people for the face he knows best. Over the people waiting in line at security, looking past the strangers on the escalators. But he still doesn't see who he's looking for.

"Why the fuck are there so many fucking people in this fucking airport," Felix groans, looking over his shoulder to glance at the two boys behind him. Seungmin and Minho wave back before staring down at Minho's phone. Something about a new show premiering or something. 

Felix has great friends.

 Turning back around, he scans the crowd again. Still not a sign. Felix sighs and runs a hand through his hair before pulling out his phone.

my freckled cutie

where are you?

are you off the plane yet


<3 mine


Felix wants to throw his phone. "Oh my fucking god." Folding his arms over his chest, he bites his bottom lip and worries it between his teeth. There's no way he waited months for this shit.

"I feel like I've told you all the time why it's bad to do that to your lips." Felix's head shoots up so fast, it's like he'll break his neck. Chan chuckles softly, rubbing his thumb on Felix's lip until he relaxes. 

"Hi." Chan says, smiling brightly. Felix stares him down, keeping his arms crossed. Chan laughs again, pinching his lips together to hide his smile. "Hiiiiiiiiiii." Felix keeps glaring, not even blinking. Chan pokes Felix's nose, and then his cheek, and then the other one. 

When this doesn't get a reaction, Chan gently takes Felix's chin and brings his face closer, their noses barely touching.

"I missed you," Chan whispers, eyelashes brushing against Felix's forehead. "A lot." 

Felix can't help it.

He smiles.

"I missed you," Felix mumbles. "Too much. If you leave again I'm actually breaking up with you." Chan throws his head back, laughing loudly. 

"I don't plan to leave you ever."

A not subtle cough comes from behind the pair, and they turn around to see Minho and Seungmin staring at them.

"Uh, this is weird. Can we go?" 

Chan rolls his eyes. "To go make out or to go on a date?" Minho's eyes widen and Seungmin's ears slowly turn a bright red. Felix blinks multiple times before processing.

"YALL ARE DATING?????" Seungmin winces and Minho bites the inside of his cheek. 



sorry sorry its so short and late please don't kill me for not updating sooner 

you deserve all good things please remember how much i love you even when im not good at expressing it <3

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