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hi writer's block pt2 

writing this as i sit in a panera's before i leave for houston so enjoy my speed writing:

Felix groans, lifting his arms above his head as he slowly opens his eyes. The sun is shining through the window and Felix rolls his eyes, getting up to close the curtains.

"Damn Chan," he mutters, narrowing his eyes. "Just because you can wake up doesn't mean I want to." 

"Oh, sorry, should I come back when you're not talking to yourself?" Felix turns around, feeling caught as he sees Chan standing in the doorway, arms folded across his chest. Wincing, Felix just shakes his head quietly.

"C'mon," Chan says, crossing across the room and grabbing Felix's hand. "I know you like to sleep but I made breakfast."

Felix follows right behind Chan, willingly holding his hand as Chan leads him into the kitchen. Felix sits at the bar as Chan places plates in front of him and the seat next to him.

Felix furrows his eyebrows as he looks at the plate.

"I think . . . these are burnt?" Chan shakes his head, looking down at the brown waffles.

"No, they're not. I followed the recipe exactly. There's no way they're burnt. The reason that they're brown is because I put chocolate chips, and everyone knows you can't burn chocolate."

Felix is BARELY able to stifle his laugh, biting the inside of his cheek as hard as he can. Leaning over, he kisses Chan's cheek and picks up the plate. He's still trying not to laugh as he puts the waffles in the trash.

"What was that for??" Chan stares at Felix, who leans against the counter, arms crossed. 

"Which one? The kiss or throwing away your food? Well, the kiss is because you're cute and I wanted to kiss you. The food bit was because there is no way I'm eating that. It's burnt, whether you'll accept that or not. So, I think either we make it again, this time without you burning it, or we get Maria to make us something."

Chan pouts a little, glaring the tiniest bit at Felix. 

"I heard that she's trying a new recipe," Felix says. "Apparently there are these things called king cakes back where she's from, so she's making some for the cafe. Let's go try, okay? And then maybe later we'll try the waffles again." 

Chan makes a face at Felix.

"I don't like this," he says, but goes to grab his hoodie anyway. 

"Don't like what?"

"When you make decisions. It feels weird." Chan opens the door for Felix, who grabs Chan's hand and pulls him away from their house and into their driveway. Carefully, Felix grabs Chan's collar and pulls him closer, brushing their lips together, a ghost of a kiss.

"I don't know," Felix whispers. "I kind of like it."



also #cancelmeena2022

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