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Grian stalked the rooftops, watching for movement. He knew tonight, on the full moon, monsters came out the most.


Grian used his spyglass to investigate the sound. 

A raptor. A rare sight.

Normally, Grian would have loaded his crossbow and shot the monster by now. But today, he was feeling a bit reckless. 

Wielding his sword, he shifted off the slates, into the shadows. The beast stopped scavenging to scent the air. It knew he was there.

It charged at him, and Grian locked his sword with its talons. He gashed it's cheek, and it briefly held its clawed hand there in pain, before retaliating with a devastating blow to his arm. 

He was lucky to be ambidextrous. Swapping his sword to his unscathed arm, he countered each of its attacks and caught it offguard.

Finally, he slashed its neck. The prehistoric monster choked on blood before going completely motionless. 

Grian took a breath, before bandaging his wounded arm. At least he caught it. That's what matters.

He'd lug it's corpse into a sack, and slunk through the alleyways. They weren't the safest, with Creatarians loitering in the darker hours.

At the end of the tangle of houses and shops, he reached a giant, looming skyscraper, the letters 'EX' hanging on it's front.

He glanced back for a moment.

Grian could have sworn he heard someone. 

The doors swung open, and he saw Keralis sitting at the front desk. 

"Hiya Grian! Whatcha got there?" He asked, gesturing to the bag.

 "Killed a raptor." Grian stated in reply.

 "Nice! The museum is gonna like that."

 "Yup!" He nodded as he spoke

 "Well I best let ya be on your way, I'll see you soon." Keralis informed. Grian smiled and walked off, putting the carcass in a freezer-like room, and leaving.

The figure was back.

It started at him from on top of a residential house, before leaping off. Grian gave chase, trying to catch them,  but they slipped away in a labyrinth of buildings. 

He tutted, and turned to the direction of the exit, his injured arm feeling as if it had pins and needles.


Grian unlocked the door to his apartment, and flopped himself onto the couch. Sighing, he turned on the TV.

'Protests commence at town square for Creatarian rights .' The news headline boasted, showing dozens of them rallying, holding signs or shouting.

"Do they ever know when to stop?" He muttered to himself. He looked at his watch. "2am already.." He turned off the TV for the night.

He staggered to his bedroom, feeling oddly uncomfortable, but he settled quickly.

Feathers - A Hermitcraft AUWhere stories live. Discover now