I hear heavy foot steps coming down the stairs. A few seconds later my dad walks out.
"Hey dad." I greet.
"Hey. Who's this?"my dad asks.
*chapter start*
"Dad this is my friend, Tamaki. Tamaki, this is my dad." I say.
"Nice to meet you sir." Tamaki politely greets my dad.
"Emilia what is he doing here?" My dad asks.
"He's just visiting. Mom said it was ok last night." I answer.
"Ok. If your mom said it was alright I'm ok with it too."
"Thanks dad."
I give my dad a tight hug to thank him. After we pull away he rubs the top of my head.
"Alright. I'm. Going to be in the garage if you need me. Don't do anything stupid." My had said and walks toward the garage.
I knew he was teasing. He always does when I bring a new friend over. However, that doesn't happen very often and when it does those people usually don't stay my friend for very long. I hope Tamaki is different. I want a friend that's not Esme or Lydia, my friend from the swim team.
"Amelia! Amelia! Can we pave a dance party?! PLEASE?!?!" Melissa begs.
"Not right now, I have a friend over." I answer.
"AAAAWWWW." She whined.
"It's alright I don't mind." Tamaki said.
"Ya but if we start now, She'll never let us stop." I explain.
"No. Now go play video games or something."
Both of my little sisters ran off. My brother was also no where in sight.
"Pete must have walked off at some point. O well let's go sit down. Shall we?" I ask.
"We shall." Tamaki answered.
We walked over and sat down on the couch. We talked until it was time for dinner. ,y mom decided that Tamaki should join us. Now we are all sitting at the table eating.
"So Tamaki tell us how you met Amilia." My mom said.
"Well, when I first met her she wouldn't talk to me and she seemed pretty panicked. Then I met Esme and she explained what was going on. Now we're great friends." Tamaki explained.
"Sounds like Amelia. Esme always has to do the talking." My mom teased.
"Has there been a problem with bullying?" My dad asked.
"A little bit. Don't worry as long as she's with me that won't happen." Tamaki said with a boost of bravery.
"I will trust that my daughter is in good hands then. "
"Yes sir."
For the rest of dinner we talked about random things. Tamaki seemed to get along with my family really well. I could tell they were starting to trust him. There are still some family members for him to meet though. I think the one he was going to have to win over is my twin brother Wesley. He's always been a bit too over protective.
After dinner was done I helped my mom clean up the kitchen.
"That's a nice boy you brought home. I can tell he cares for you." My mom said.
"Ya I don't quite trust him fully yet." I replied.
"Why? He seems like a sweet boy."
"You know I have a hard time trusting people mom. I just.....I don't know."
"I think you can trust him. Something tells me this boy is going to be really big in your life. You just have to let him."
"Alright. I'll try"
"That's my girl. Now go out and talk to him. I bet he's getting lonely without you."
"Are you sure? Don't you need help with the dishes?"
"I'll be fine. You should go keep him company."
"Ok but call me if you need any help."
I walk out to the living room and see Tamaki talking to my little sisters.
"Do you like Emilia?" I hear Melissa ask.
"Yes. Of coarse I do. She's my friend." Tamaki answered.
"Do you want to be her boyfriend?"
I giggled silently. Only she would ask that.
"I don't know. I want to get to know her a little better first."
"Alright Mel that's enough questions......and don't you two have to get ready for swimming?" I say.
"O YA!" They jumped up and ran towards their room.
I laugh and say "That girl. I hope she didn't cause you too many problems."
"Na. It was cute. How old are they?" Tamaki replied.
I move to sit down next to Tamaki.
"They are eight. Mellisa is eight going on fourteen."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"She already acts like a teenager." I explain giggling.
We continue to talk until Tamaki had to go home. He called a car to come out and get him. When the car came we walked to the door.
"Bye. I'll see you tomorrow I guess." I say.
"Ya see you tomorrow." Tamkaki answers.
He hugged me and I stiffened for a second but eventually hugged him back. We broke apart and he walked out the door.
*to be continued*

Different (OHSHC X OC'S)
FanfictionBest friends Emilia Jeffery and Esme Dudley enroll in Oran Academy. Esme has no problem fitting in as she is from a rich family but what happens when Emilia has trouble fitting in? One day they get attacked by bullies. Will anyone save them?