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⌜ chapter fourteen ⌟

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"Hey, Letty?" Eric gets her attention at the store, and she turns to him. "What are you guys doing for Christmas this year?"

"I'm burying Reggie in the backyard after I kill him." She says, and his eyebrows furrow as he gives her a puzzled look. "He won't shut off the Christmas music, and he's driving me up a wall."

"Oh. Well, I was just thinking... You wanna get out of town for a few days during your break from school?" He asks,


"Look, I know we're not together, but a couple that was in here a few days ago was talking about this inn just outside of town. They said that it's really nice with all the snow, and I thought it'd be cool if we went. You could probably get some pretty good pictures out there. I've got some money saved up, and I wanna go... No one I'd rather go with than you." He says, and she smiles.

"I've gotta run it by Alec. He took care of all the paperwork to be my legal guardian a couple weeks after we all moved in together, and he's being a pain in the ass." She tells him, and he nods. "But I think it'd be really great if we get to go."

"Great." Eric smiles. He's been wanting to do something like this with her ever since they got back from their Summer on the road, so he made a savings fund specifically for an opportunity like this one.

A few days later, Letty and Eric are on their way to the inn that he was talking about, and the snow storm's getting worse. Soon, it's so bad that he can hardly see the road ahead of them. He shakes his head as he stops the car and then looks over at Letty.

"I think we're gonna get stuck." He tells her, and she nods as she looks around at the snowfall that's steadily getting heavier and heavier.

"Yeah, it's not lookin' good." She agrees, and it's not long before the blizzard has the car buried in about four or five feet of snow.

"We're trapped in an icy tomb of frozen death!" Eric looks at Letty, and she chuckles because of his mild panic.

"Never been snowed in before?" She asks, and he shakes his head.

"Not in a car." He says. "Have you?"

"Once, when I was little. I was with John and the boys." She tells him. "It was kinda fun, actually."

"What do we do?"

"There's nothing we can do right now." She says as she looks at him. "We have to wait for the plow to come through and dig us out."

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