Midnight Blues| Kuromahi

131 11 17

Yet another dark, cold and gloomy night. 

Kuro's crimson colored eyes darted to the floor for a moment, only a moment, before he raised them back up to look at the night sky. His eyes scanning the sky, the bright white moon, slowly becoming hidden behind the grey clouds that were closing in. Kuro inhaled deeply, then exhaled slowly, closing his eyes to take in the night energy. 

It wasn't always easy in his life, nothing was ever easy. He felt as if nighttime was his only way to find maybe even a sliver of peace. Away from all of his loud, obnoxious siblings, away from all the fighting and the drama that always happened at home. He was just simply to tired to deal with the every day things. 

The wind softly blew through his light blue locks, his body shuddered as his eyes opened once again. It was getting even colder out, but he didn't want to venture off into his home just yet. He also didn't want to wake up Mahiru, from coming home too late. Kuro knew Mahiru worked hard for the both of them, and he felt useless that he couldn't help his lover.

Kuro dug around in his trench coat, searching for the lighter and cigarettes he had purchased earlier that evening. He was never the smoking type, but he was under so much stress, his brother persuaded him to try it out, and if he didn't like it, to never purchase such a thing again.

His brother thinks it could be a life lesson, Kuro just thinks his brothers way of thinking is bullshit. His nails dug into the plastic packaging and tore it off, stuffing the remains into his pocket, opened up the box and stripped more paper from inside. 

" Alot of work just to get one measly cigarette.." 

He muttered under his breath. Just then, he heard a door unlock, and slowly start to creep open. Kuro shoved the lighter and tobacco back into his pocket, and swiftly turned around. Mahiru rubbed his eyes, yawned and then looked at Kuro, his eyes looked as if they had no energy left, he looked weak and sick. 

" Mahiru? Why're you awake, you should be in bed, sleeping." 

" Hard to sleep when you're used to sleeping next to your boyfriend every night. What's going on? Why're you standing outside so late? It's freezing! " Mahiru stepped outside, leaving their apartment door open. Kuro sighed, unzipping his coat and slowly took it off his shoulders, wrapping it around Mahiru. 

" Couldn't sleep, So I came out here to think about some things. " 

Mahiru walked up to Kuro, embracing him in a warm and gentle hug. " Kuro, you have to rely on me sometimes you know? We're partners, whatever you're going through, I want to be here to talk to you."

Kuro felt guilty that he never really shared his thoughts or feelings about certain things with Mahiru, and Mahiru was right.. They were partners, they committed to a relationship with love and trust and a beautiful connection, Kuro just had a hard time accepting who truly accepted him for who he was. 

" You're right, I'm sorry. Right now, I'd like to not talk about it, but maybe after some breakfast in the morning, we can cuddle in bed and talk about it?" 

Kuro didn't want to talk Mahiru's head off while he was still half asleep, he was fall asleep anyways as he was holding onto Kuro.

" You're such a pain in the ass.." He chuckled, gently scooping Mahiru into his arms . "I'm not a child, I can walk." Kuro shook his head, kicking the door closed once he walked inside. Thankfully Mahiru had left the hall light on, otherwise Kuro wouldn't of known where to walk.. and that wouldn't of been good for either one of them. 

After walking down the hall, Kuro nudged their bedroom door open and carefully walked over to the bed, placing Mahiru on the left side. The left side was where Kuro normally slept, and they've fought about their sides of the bed before, silly.  But it was fine this once, to keep Mahiru calm.

Kuro slid his shirt from over his head, Mahiru's brown eyes gazing at his pale white back, scanning him from his lower back, all the way up to the base of his shoulders, and then to his neck. He always admired Kuro, but sometimes he admired him a little too much.

" I can feel your eyes burning into the back of my body." Kuro murmered, turning around to glance at his boyfriend, who of course blushed and turned to the other side, denying that he was looking. Kuro smiled, he always enjoyed teasing him. 

Once he got undressed and changed into some pajama bottoms, he lied down in bed with Mahiru, pulling him closer by the waist. " Don't do that you idiot!" Kuro rose a brow, propping his head up with his other hand. " Don't do what? Hold you? I thought you liked it when I held you?" 

Mahiru rolled his eyes, covering his face when he rolled back over. "I'm sensitive you know." Kuro furrowed his brows then realized what Mahiru meant. " Oh- uh.. sorry." He removed his hand and scratched the side of his head. They've been a couple for a while, but they've never gotten intimate before, just a few kisses and hugs here and there. 

" It's okay, you didnt have to move your hand though." Kuro was confused but gently put his hand back, just a little higher than Mahiru's waist. " I meant you could've kept it there, I'm sensitive but im not brittle. " This made Kuro snort, moving himself closer to Mahiru instead of pulling him close. 

" I don't know, you might be like a little old lady." 

Mahiru removed his hands from his face and scoffed. " Just because I have a motherlike personality, doesn't make me an old lady." Kuro smirked. " You know, it kind of does dumbass." Mahiru rolled his eyes, flicking Kuro's forehead, in which he flinched slightly to. 

" God, you're lucky I love you." Mahiru sighed out, moving his hands to caress Kuro's cheeks, Kuro nuzzled into his hands sweetly. " I love you too, even when you're a pain in my ass. " They both smiled and laughed a little. Kuro gazed at Mahiru for a while, his eyes gentle as he slowly closed in the gap between them, connecting their lips softly. 

Mahiru placed his hands on Kuro's back as he returned the kiss. Their eyes closed, and they tilted their heads to deepen the kiss, Kuro's tongue quickly making it's way into Mahiru's mouth. Mahiru ran his fingers through Kuro's hair, his tongue meeting and tangling with Kuro's. 

Kuro lifted himself up, moving over to hover over Mahiru, deepening the kiss more as he took ahold of his waist. " Wait, Kuro-" Mahiru breathed out, feeling his lovers lips leave his and start tracing his neck. " Mm?" Kuro hummed against his neck, gently biting down on one spot that made Mahiru shudder. 

" W-We can try.. tomorrow." Kuro stopped for a moment and sat up. " When you say..try, you mean..like..?" He rose a brow, watching Mahiru's face light up a bright pink, nodding softly. Kuro took a deep breath and nodded. " Okay, tomorrow night. We will try." Mahiru smiled and caressed Kuro's face once more. " I better not catch you outside in the cold again, or else I might just kick you out to the cold." 

" you wouldn't do that, you love me too much, old lady." 

" I hate you so much." 

" But I love you. "


I am so sorry if this was confusing or boring LOL but I did my best! New servamp bxb oneshot book and man.. I didnt even think i'd make it to 1k words but here I am pffft. I hope you guys love the new book as much as you loved the old one c: thank you for always being ' apart of me ' I love you all! and please, if you have any requests, comment em all!! <3 I love you all so much !

-M <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2022 ⏰

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