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ANOTHER DAY, ANOTHER CREEP. At least, that's what Maia told herself over and over again as she combed through that day's paperwork. Each day in the Violent Crimes Against Children Unit got more and more rough. Maia spent her days reading horrible accounts of human trafficking and sexual violence cases and storing them in the correct hard drives and physical files.

Maia didn't plan for this to be her life, in fact, she didn't really plan for anything of significance to happen in her life. She had moved out of New York for college, declared a communications major and dropped out after six semesters. Two more and she would've had a degree, but that didn't matter. The work she was doing didn't feel like it mattered. A friend of a friend's mom had managed to pull some strings and two weeks after dropping out, she started at Quantico, all because she sort of knew her way around a computer and held a desk job in high school. She spent her last hundred dollars on a pair of dress pants and a new pair of sneakers. That was four years ago.

She didn't mind working for the Violent Crimes Against Children Unit, she only wished it had somewhat of a less harsh name. Referring to it as the "sex crimes" unit somehow made it a bit more bearable to say out loud. It was nice to feel like her work mattered— even if it just meant checking for typos or transcribing something written into something digital, it felt like she had a small part in bringing criminals to justice. She liked that part about her job.

She didn't like feeling like an intern. That was the whole reason she dropped out of college— communications internships were basically legalized servitude. Go grab your boss lunch, do their kid's science project, decline an invitation, decline another invitation, the list went on. She hated that about college.

Working under Unit Chief Stella Fisher was no small feat. Agent Fisher was easily one of the most known
and well respected agents in the field, and for good reason. She was tough. She didn't take anyone's shit. She got the job done. The sex crimes unit had seen exponential numbers since she took over from the last chief, and for good reason. Agent Fisher didn't care about the consequences, she brought anyone to justice, no matter how highly they ranked on the police force, or how well respected they were in Hollywood. She did it all, and she did it for the children. Maia admired her so much.

As Maia sipped her Diet Coke and typed away on her desktop, she felt a light tap on her shoulder, causing her to nearly jump out of her seat. Her eyes shot up and she met the gaze of her five-foot-eleven, pantsuit clad goddess of a boss. She flashed the woman a helpless smile.

"Mary." Agent Fisher began, causing the nervous smile to falter on Maia's lips. Four years and she couldn't get Maia's name right, "It looks like it's going to be a long night. You and I are going to be stuck here for a bit while we process the latest case. Can you go down to the break room and grab me some coffee?"

There it was. Just like that, Maia felt her blood boil and quickly reside. She felt twenty again. Instead of screaming out "no!" like she wanted to, she gave the woman a nod and answered with a bright smile, "Of course, Agent Fisher."

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