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EVEN THOUGH MAIA GOT HOME AT MIDNIGHT, SHE DID'T FALL ASLEEP UNTIL THREE A.M. Once she had gotten back to her apartment, her roommate, Gwen, had taken the opportunity to talk her ear off, and kept waving her hand in Maia's face. It took Maia an hour of chatting and waving to realize that Gwen's boyfriend, Owen, had proposed to her.

"But we're too young to get married." Maia had frowned, and then proceeded to get really, really drunk really, really quickly on cheap champagne.

It was now the next morning, and Maia was sat at her desk, resting her head in her hands with her eyes shut. She was wildly hungover— she had the tolerance of a thirteen year old girl. Her head was pounding, her stomach was in knots, and the only thing she could keep down for breakfast was a large Diet Coke and a McDonald's hash brown.

"Morning, Marty."

That was new, Maia thought. She shot up from her desk and flashed her boss an exaggerated smile, "Good morning, Agent Fisher. You look-"

Maia thanked her lucky stars that Stella just kept walking into her office. While on a normal day, she would be absolutely offended that she wasn't acknowledged, today was different. Maia needed sleep, and maybe, another fountain soda. She rested her head on her desk and slowly shut her eyes. Only for a second, she thought to herself.

She was awoken from her "rest" with a loud thump coming from her desk. She jolted awake, only to come face to face with Dr. Spencer Reid, who was looking down on her with a toothy grin on his face.

"Good morning, Maia."

"Fuck me." Maia grumbled to herself, "Rot in hell, Dr. Evil."

"Dr. Evil? That's all you've got?" He raised an eyebrow at her. He then gestured to her desk, which had a brand new box of coffee pods thrown on it, "I felt bad about yesterday, so I got you these."

"You mean you feel bad I caught you in a lie." She narrowed her eyes at him, "You said the coffee was for your boss. Then you drank it. Then you threw it out. Like a monster."

"I...I know. I feel really bad about it, and I would feel a lot better about it if you accepted these as an apology."

"Thanks. I think." She sat up in her desk chair, "Okay. You can go now."

"You look like hell. What happened to you?"

"Do I look like I'm in the mood for conversation?"

"No. That's why I'm having one with you." He smiled softly, "Are you okay?"

"I'm hungover, dingus. What do you think?" She let out a sigh, "My best friend got engaged last night."

"Oh. That's cool, I guess. Congratulations."

"I just...I'm only twenty six. Gwen's only twenty six. She has her whole life ahead of her, you know? And Owen's great for her; he really is— almost too great. They have so much time, though, I just don't get it— and I don't get why I'm telling you this." She sunk back in her chair and let out a sigh, "Sorry."

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