Introduction to your new fate (1/3)

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So I noticed that a lot of people haven't seen the full show in a lot of stories so I wanted to say that has all the episodes!

If you have any suggestions on anywhere else to watch them, feel free to put them in the comments! <3. 

You were a normal 19-year-old, You were going to University and had a part-time job at a Grocery store as a cashier. You still lived with your parents because you could definitely not purchase a house with the income of a cashier and the rent of apartments is expensive so you chose to live with your parents until you could afford to live alone. They were ok with you living with them if you paid rent and paid for all your stuff (groceries, phone bills, etc) University took a lot of your time with classes, projects, homework, tests, and all that other stuff but whenever you had some time for yourself you would normally watch shows, one of the shows you had watched and really enjoyed was Monkie kid. Sure it was aimed for kids but it was still really good, you also had read journey to the west before and really enjoyed it so to see a show that was kind of based on it was exciting. You knew the episodes by heart and loved how interesting the characters were.

One day you were heading home from your job, You were just listening to some music on your phone while trying to come up with some ideas for a recent project that your science professor assigned until you felt a big invisible force hit you. It felt like a car had just run into you and because of that, you fell unconscious. When you woke up you had a really hard time opening your eyes because your head hurt so much but when you did the first thing you noticed was that you were laying down on a bench. You stood up quickly and notice that this was definitely not where you live. You looked down and saw your hands were blocky? Well not blocky but they were definitely not the same. You had no fingers, they were in a U shape, and you were yellow. After staring at your hands for some seconds, you decided to scream which then made you realize that you were not alone. There were more people walking by, they were all now looking at you with confused and scared expressions. You stared at them confused while they were staring at you, they were all legos. Your instincts told you to run and that is exactly what you did, you ran to the nearest secluded place which was an alleyway, sure it's not the safest place to go but your panicked mind didn't care. "This is all a dream" was being repeated in your head over and over again. You started to calm down after some minutes. You decided to test out your theory that this was all a dream and slapped yourself. Well, it turned out that you were not dreaming so now you had to face the reality that you were stuck in a universe where everyone is a lego.

After you accepted the fact that you're a lego in another universe, you decided to search your belongings and saw that you still had your phone. Maybe you could call your parents and tell them what happened? You called them and heard the ringing, you were anxious and you were doubting that they would answer until you heard your mom's voice. "Y/n? Where are you? It's 9 pm, you should be at home by now." She sounded concerned and angry at the same time. "Mom! I'm so happy to hear your voice! I don't know how this happened but I think I'm in another universe?!" You told her. "Y/n? Are you there? I can't hear you." your mom said in an irritated tone. "Mom! CAN YOU HEAR ME? I'M STUCK IN ANOTHER DIMENSION!" You yelled in a desperate tone just hoping she would hear you and somehow help you out of here. "Is this a prank? If you're not back by 12 AM then don't call me again!" Your mom said ending the call. You felt like crying but at least now you know that you can't call home, you did wonder if you could call people here and if they would be able to hear you. You ended up sleeping in the park for a week because you couldn't afford to live in an apartment or house with the extra money you had in your pocket.

Well, this is my first story I've made so I'm hoping y'all enjoyed it! My first language isn't English so I'm sorry if I spelled anything wrong or if my grammar is bad and I don't have a beta reader so I don't have anyone to tell me if the story sounds weird. Criticism is welcomed here but please don't be rude!

The next chapter will be posted on the 7th of September!

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