Travis awoke to Trevor shaking him.
Trevor (whisper shout): Travis... TRAVIS! There's someone in the house.
Travis jumped out of his bed.
Travis: What do you me-
Suddenly, a crash was heard in the kitchen. Travis ran, yet still tried to be as quiet as possible, Trevor following behind. They both slowly crept up on the doorframe of the kitchen. Travis looked at Trevor, and they both nodded, going into a fighting stance that both correlate with each other. Suddenly, they both jumped into the doorframe of the kitchen.
Suddenly, a torn up chicken robot swung around in shock, her hands in the air with a slice of bread hanging from her mouth. Trevor looked for a moment, until he realized something.
Trevor: Wait... CHICA!?
Robot: Um... NIGHTMARE Chica, actually. Sorry if I woke you boys up. I was just SOOOOO hungry.
Travis: Hold on...Trevor and Travis stood normally, going out of their fighting stances.
Travis: What do you mean "nightmare"?
Nightmare Chica: Oh, did they not tell you? The Pizza Palace has a curse.
Trevor: A... a what?
Travis: What do you mean "curse"?
Nightmare Chica: You see... a long time ago, someone was dared to put their face in... well, there's no easy way of saying it... the breasts of an old animatronic, but the only problem was that she got her foot stuck in between the powered down animatronics feet, and couldn't move, so she ended up suffocating to death.
Travis: Wait... "she"? So did she even want to do it?
Nightmare Chica: No, she was straight. But she also never backed down from a dare, and thought it would only be a few seconds.
Travis: That's... terrible. But how does that have to do with... this situation right now?
Nightmare Chica: Well, her soul still roams that Pizza Palace, and now any worker will experience nightmares of the animatronics.
Travis: Wait... this is all just a dream?
Nightmare Chica: It is. But anything that will bring pain in these nightmares, you will feel when you wake up the next mourning.Quickly, Travis punched Trevor across his face.
Trevor: OW WHAT THE-... wait... I didn't feel that.
Travis: And now if you get hurt tomorrow mourning, we'll know this is real.
Nightmare Chica: Well, enough about this spiritual hocus-pocus, I actually heard the way you two sang earlier, and I have to say that it was amazing!
Trevor: Hehe... thanks. We were both born with many extra vocal chords.
Travis: Hmm... Hey, Chica? You said you were hungry, right? If pain is the only real thing that happens here, what's stopping you from devouring the whole kitchen?
Nightmare Chica: Wait... REALLY!?Nightmare Chicas eyes lit up (in a happy way) and she began hopping up and down, squealing in excitement. Nightmare Chica began fishing through all of the cupboards and cabinets, looking for anything she was hungry for. Trevor and Travis both looked at each other, and walked away from the kitchen, hearing Nightmare Chica humming a happy tune.
Trevor: Okay, I'm assuming all we have to do is just go back to sleep, and we'll be back to the regular world.
Travis: Yea, I think I've spent enough time in Dream Land for now.Suddenly, Trevor punched Travis across his face.
Trevor: Just to really make sure.
Trevor and Travis both went to their sleeping areas the night prior, and began to sleep. When Travis woke up, the side of his face was in a lot of pain. He ran out to the living room, and saw Trevor rubbing the side of his face.
Fnia: Brothers In Arms (read desc.)
FanfictionThis is the story about twin brothers Trevor and Travis, who live in a small town, and don't have many friends, but damn are they the perfect pair. They live alone in an apartment and are each 17 years old. While they are twin brothers and get along...