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What's wrong with him?

I thought Grindelwald was supposed to help Credence but he's been doing to treating Credence like some sort of lapdog. Always running some errands for the bastard and his followers. But day by day, Credence is slowly withering away. The color of his skin is slowly fading and now he has this sickly complexion, swollen sunken eyes from his lack of sleep, hollower cheeks, and his fever keeps getting worst.

I've tried to help him. Every night after his errands, I'd rush Credence to his room before checking for any possible injuries. Then I would make him lay down and wipe the sweat off his face. I've failed him once as a friend and I'm not going to abandon him again. I just wish Credence would just see Grindelwald for what he truly is. A manipulative bastard.d

Grindelwald's even gotten Queenie under his spell. Imagine my surprise when I found her here. Why on Earth would she ever follow someone like him? It just makes no sense. And Jacob? The thought of Jacob being alone out there broke me. Jacob deserves all the happiness in the world and Queenie is that happiness. So all that talk about them getting married? Was that bullshit? It couldn't be. Queenie loves Jacob and vice versa. That's why this doesn't... it just doesn't make sense to me.

I know Grindelwald hates me being here. I'm sure he would be happy that I'm gone so he could control Credence. Except we know if anything were to happen to me then Credence would go ballistic and leave. That doesn't stop him from "suggesting" I stay whenever Credence has to leave because it wasn't "safe" for me. He even tried to get Queenie to stay with me which was pointless. I haven't talked to her since we got here. But that doesn't stop me from guilt-tripping her. As soon as we were alone in a room, my mind immediately went to Jacob. I know why I left but I still don't understand why she did.

I left to protect Credence but it doesn't stop me from thinking about Newt. I miss him, dearly. Every night, I pray he would find us. I don't know how long we've been here but I've never lost hope. I know he'll find us. I know he'll stop Grindelwald. But I can't help but worry about him, too.

"Alina!" Newt yelled.

I slowly turned to see Newt not that far from me. The feeling in my gut is telling me to run back to him. That we'll find another way to stop Grindelwald and get Credence back but I have to do this.

"You'll find me," I whispered. "You always do."

"You're thinking about him again, aren't you?" Credence's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

I stopped dapping the wet cloth on his forehead. I shook my head and half lied, "No, I'm not. I'm just worried that's all." I set the cloth to the side. "Credence, I don't think you should be heading out there." He sighed. I gave him a worried look as I held his cheek. "Look at you. You're burning up. You've been coming and going nonstop this past week. It's not good for you."

Credence gently grabbed my wrist. "I'm ok, Alina. I promise. I am a Dumbledore after all."

"I get that. I understand how angry you are at them. And whether you're Credence Barebone or Aurelius Dumbledore, you're still my best friend and I'm not going to leave you. Not again." I sighed. "What's so special about this Qilin anyway?"

An annoying voice answered me, "It's not about the Qilin. It's about what it can do." Credence and I looked toward the door to see Grindelwald slowly making his way in, with Queenie in tow. "This creature can see into one's soul as well as the future."

"Ok, but you don't need a Qilin to see into your soul," I sneered. "I can already answer that for you. You're just a conniving son of a bitch that wants to use wizards and witches for your so-called great plan for the future." I stood up. "If that's the case, then I'm going." I don't trust him to have one of his followers kill the poor creature.

"Alina," Queenie spoke. "Maybe it's better if you stay here." I glared at her. "Where they're going is really dangerous're still a No-Maj."

"I can take care of myself, thank you very much." There's that small hope in me that Newt might be there. He will want to save the Qilin instead of using it like Grindelwald. And if Newt's there, then I can take Credence with me.

"Please, Alina," Queenie pleaded.

Ignoring her, I turned my attention to Grindelwald. "No-Maj or not, I can still help. I'm sick of being locked up in here while you have every one of your pussy bitches -"

Credence grabbed my shoulder, stopping me mid-rant. "It's ok, Alina. I agree with Queenie, it's better if you stay here." He gave a threatening glare toward Grindelwald. "Right?"

"Of course," he agreed. "No harm will come to her as long as she stays here." That wasn't good enough for Credence as he took a protective stance in front of me. "You have my word."

Queenie smiled. "Oh, she's just worried about Credence, that's all." She came over and pulled me away before grabbing my hands. "Sweetheart, we're gonna have so much fun. Just like old times. If you want we can draw each other, doesn't that sound like fun?"

Yes, it sounds like fun. Except I haven't drawn anything since arriving here. I just - I just don't feel that inspiration I used to.

I yanked my hands away from her and looked at Credence. "Stay safe, then, ok? I'll be right here when you come back."

Credence nodded before hugging me. "Don't kill anyone while I'm gone." Meaning Queenie, whose mouth just dropped open from my thought. I hugged him tighter before letting go. I - I need some fresh air. Maybe that would do me good. So I made my way out.

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