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"Dad! Daddy!"


This heart-piercing cry came into Xu Zhao's ears. Xu Zhao couldn't help but continue walking, so he got off the bicycle and turned around to see Xu Fan. Xu Fan's tears and snot were stuck on his face. , is chasing this way with short short legs.


Xu Zhao stopped the bicycle, walked forward, picked up Xu Fan, took out a handkerchief from his trousers pocket, wiped Xu Fan's face and blew his nose, and then coaxed Xu Fan, thinking about whether it would be inappropriate to go on a blind date with a child .

In the end, Xu Fan was still in the routine. He left Xu Fan in Nanwan Village, explained to Xu's mother, and then quickly rode his bicycle away. Before reaching the county seat, he saw Dad Zhuang waiting at the intersection.

"Brother Li." Xu Zhao rode up to him and asked, "When did you arrive?"

"Just arrived." Dad Zhuang wiped the fine sweat from his forehead.

"Why don't you let me ride your bike with you?"

"I'm too heavy."

"I can carry you, sit on it."

"No, I'll just walk, it's not far."

Dad Dazhuang still didn't want to trouble Xu Zhao, but Xu Zhao said seriously, "It's not like you haven't sat before. Last time you were injured, didn't I take you to the hospital on a bicycle? Sit up."

Dad Dazhuang didn't refuse this time, took the back seat of the bicycle, and went to the Jiefang Hotel in the county town with Xu Zhao. After stopping the bicycle, he didn't see anyone from Nanyang Village at the entrance of the hotel, so the two walked towards the Jiefang Hotel together. As soon as I entered the door, I heard someone calling Dad Zhuang.

Dad Zhuang looked at him.

Xu Zhao also turned his head to look, and immediately saw a middle-aged woman and a big boy sitting at the table on the right in the simple Jiefang Hotel. Xu Zhao knew the middle-aged woman as a matchmaker in Nanyang Village and often went back and forth in various villages. Shuttle, as for the big boy, it should be Zhou Xiangqian, his blind date this time.

Zhou Xiangqian has a slender head, his facial features are straight, his clothes and shoes have been tidied up, and he looks neat and neat. The moment he saw Xu Zhao, he was stunned at first, and then his eyes flashed a bit of surprise. Even the matchmaker looked at Xu Zhao straight. It seems that he did not expect Xu Zhao to grow so well.

"Hello, my name is Zhou Xiangqian." Zhou Xiangqian greeted him warmly.

"Hello, my name is Xu Zhao." Xu Zhao said gently.

"I know." Zhou Xiangqian said happily.

Xu Zhao smiled and didn't answer. It was his first blind date, and he was very cautious.

When Dad Dazhuang and the matchmaker felt that the place was almost hot, they walked away for an excuse. So in the Jiefang Hotel, there were only Xu Zhao and Zhou Xiangqian. Xu Zhao, in order to hide his embarrassment, lowered his head and drank water, and heard Zhou Xiangqian ask, "Xu Zhao, don't know me. already?"

Xu Zhao looked at Zhou Xiangqian suspiciously.

Zhou Xiangqian reminded: "A porcelain jar of boiled water."

Xu Zhao didn't understand.

Zhou Xiangqian just told the story again, saying that the two were students of the same provincial agricultural school, but in different classes, when they were in school, when they went to the cafeteria to eat, they had to carry a thermos and a porcelain jar by themselves. Zhao sat beside him and took the initiative to borrow a porcelain jar of water for him to drink.

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