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Heyyyyy...I know update after a longggg time

But enjoy the chapter and tell me what you feel about it !!

I will wait for you comments..


The sun from the window fell on the sleeping figure, curled up in his sheets. He was still wearing the same clothes from last night. He didn't know when he fell asleep thinking about his newfound feelings towards his best friend and what he should do about them. He racked his brain, trying to find a better way where he wouldn't hurt his friendship or his heart. He obviously can't confess it, knowing Max has a girlfriend now, he has to keep his feelings to himself....for now atleast. 

He needs to do something about the girlfriend, Sophia. She is the big issue here, Tul didn't like her one bit... something about her didn't feel right, maybe because he is jealous of his best friend's girlfriend. He has to find a way to get her out of their life, but how? How, is the big question here? She is just perfect, sometimes too perfect for his liking. 

Tul didn't realize when he dozed off in the night, now it was the start of the semester and he is still in the sheets. Tul was already tired from all the overwhelming emotions, and the beers he drank after coming home didn't do any good. His swollen eyes squinted to look at the time on his nightstand watch. He had a bad headache and his bile was hurling up to his throat he almost forgot that it was his first day. It slowly dawned on him and he sprung up from his bed which blurred his vision with white noise ringing in his ears. He sat back for a few seconds to get back his sense before looking at the clock to see if he was late, and he sure was. 

He jumped off the bed and ran through his room to get his bag for college. He couldn't find it, as it was in some far corner, forgotten in the break. Tul ignored the raging headache. He suddenly saw his reflection in the mirror. Ugh, the smell of beer still latched itself to his clothes and body, he needed a shower for sure. Again running around to get a fresh set of clothes. Tul showered and was now ready to get to college. He was just about to leave the room when a question popped into his head. How was he going to get there?

Tul paused for a second, thinking. Usually, Max would pick him up, and now that he had his girlfriend, he'd take her to college. Furthermore, they didn't have any discussion about him joining them. He stood there for a while thinking of a way he could get there. And that's when the doorbell rang, startling the young man. The thought of his best friend, now crush, being there to pick him up made him smile a little, but it was soon turned upside down when he saw Pavel's annoyed face.

"Why the fuck do I have to pick you up now?" Pavel sounded a little irritated, "P'Mew asked me to get you to college. I have been trying to call you for such a long time. Where is your phone?" Tul immediately checked his pockets, but it wasn't there. He dashed to the bedroom to see if it was in the mess of his bedsheets fortunately it was. He ran back to the living room and pushed Pavel out of the dorm room. Pavel just rolled his eyes and followed Tul. They speed-walked to the elevator and soon reached Pavel's car where Dome was waiting. Tul took his place in the back quietly, not wanting to talk about anything.

Dome looked back to Tul who was sitting quietly scrolling through his phone. His concern for the boy was slowly building up. Tul's face gave away everything he was feeling, lost and hurt. Dome opened his mouth to say something but decided against it and sat back in his seat, he gave Pavel a pained look. Pavel saw his partner's face and he was worried about what could have happened until he pointed at Tul he immediately understood why Dome had that face. To lighten Tul's mood just a little Pavel asked for music suggestions to play in the car, but only asked him to put on any song he liked and brushed off the topic.

Pavel was now really worried for his friend and wanted to help but he didn't know exactly why his friend was upset. He was doing fine during the vacation so now why is looking like shit. He needed to talk to P'Mew about it as soon as possible. They reached the uni just in time for their lecture, but Pavel did not get to meet the senior. On the other hand, Tul was a little grateful that he had no interactions with the couple who was being all cute and giggling. The small knot in his heart was starting to get bigger with time and seeing them just made it worse. He made his way to the vacant seat far away from the two. Pavel and Dome had already gone to their respective classes.

The professor in front of Tul was reading the presentation in a monotonous tone, like always, and as it happens for Tul's hangover to act up right now. All his beers were slowly making their way up to his throat, he dashed through the door running across the yelling professor and not giving a fuck. The door closed with a loud thud waking all his classmates, he gained the attention of the whole class including the guy whose attention he wanted the most. Max got up from his seat and ran behind Tul with a troubled look. He saw Tul get into the men's washroom and he followed him there. Max opened the door to see Tul barfing his guts out with his head in the toilet.

Max soothes Tul's back the whole time. After a while, he recovered and rested his back on the metal wall and threw his head back gasping for air. Max put Tul's left arm over his shoulder and held him by his waist and pick him up. He walked them to the wash basin. Tul splashed some water on his face and looked at his reflection in the mirror. He saw the figure standing beside him. Was this person who helped me?

Tul was tongue-tied, he just couldn't form any words. He just wanted to hug him and cry his eyes out, he wanted to tell him about his feelings and wanted to push his lips onto the other person. But all of this can just be done in his mind. His eyes carried longing for the person and hurt that the person couldn't be his. Tul didn't want to make interaction with Max, he gave this smile and left without saying any other words.

Tul was a mess right now and talking to Max is just going to make it worse. The tears he had held back came gushing out as soon as the door behind his closed shut. Tul didn't like this feeling at all, the feeling of hurt, of longing. He had never felt something like this in a while, not since- No he didn't want his thoughts to go back to them. The worst period of his life. He should get his bag from the class but the professor would make it difficult for him, so he decided against it and went directly to the place where he feels safe the most, where he can be himself, the basketball court. He made his way to the court and waited for the class to get over while bawling his eyes out.


So.. what do you think about this chapter!

Sorry about the delay, I had  so much going on that I didn't get anytime to write. 

But I will keep writing and show some love to this chapter!!


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