Datin' and D.C.

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The impact of the Battle of New York, as their fight was now known, was lasting. Much to Betty's surprise, Stark had set up a Relief Foundation to support the repairs needed in the city and to help those affected by the fallout. Despite everyone's best efforts, over 100 people had lost their lives that day, and the weight of that lay heavily on her.

"I just...I just could have done more," she said, sadly, as she sat in Dr Thurso's office.

The familiar green couch didn't offer the comfort it usually did. Caroline Thurso observed her patient with sympathy. She had grown to like and admire the complicated character in front of her. She was in awe of how Betty had coped with the hand that he had been dealt in life and was almost envious of Betty's ability to compartmentalise. She knew that there was something that Betty kept locked away inside her, something big, but she didn't push it. Her patient was so forthcoming with every other issue she faced.

"Betty, you did everything you could. I've read the reports, even the REDACTED sections," she gave Betty a pointed look. "You saved many people who otherwise might not have made it out. One of the first times we spoke you talked about feeling useless, like you were on the sidelines. That definitely wasn't the case this time."

"You're right Caroline, I know. It just breaks my heart that there were so many people..."

"This was a war, Betty. You cannot single-handedly be responsible for every life lost. Stop beating yourself up about this."

"I thought you were supposed to be a therapist, not a dictator..." Betty gave a half-smile.

"I'm being what you need right now," Caroline grinned. "Have you spoke about this with your brother?"

"Yeah, he said the same as you, but I know he feels the same as me. I guess we're both idiots eh?" She smirked.

"You said it, not me..." The therapist almost teased. "How are you feeling about this move to DC?"

"D'ya know, I think it might be a good thing. A fresh start maybe..." Betty shrugged. She was looking forward to her move more than she let on. A new city, a new job, a new...life? Caroline Thurso didn't miss the small upturn of Betty's lips as she mused on her future.

"You've not mentioned your new job yet, Agent Rogers. How are you getting around the name confusion with your brother becoming a S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent too?"

"Ohhh, that!" Betty laughed. "He's keepin' the Captain. He'll be Captain Rogers, or Captain America, whichever the situation requires."

"And you're not keeping the Lieutenant?"

"No, I never wanted it in the first place. I wouldn't have even joined the army if it wasn't for Peggy, Stark, and the SSR. I'd much rather be M..." she stopped as her gut suddenly clenched, twisting in pain. She physically couldn't say it. She took a breath.

"I'd much rather be me."

The pair carried on their conversation for the rest of their allotted time, with the therapist giving Betty some strategies to try and, because she knew her patient so well, some articles and books to read to help her understand from a medical perspective.

"So, that comes to the end of our final session Betty," Caroline said, as the clock ticked around to the last few minutes of their time. "I really don't think that you're going to need to find a new therapist when you get to DC, unless you want to of course! I do have another suggestion though. There's some support groups at the Veteran's Association. They're run by ex-servicemen and women. I'd definitely recommend you giving them a try."

"That sounds interestin' actually."

"I'll email you the details."

"Thanks Caroline, thanks for everythin'"

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