The Whole Book

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Jack was talking to her friend Bella, When a pink person with big white wings came flying down from the sky, it's Cupid. She spots a two girls, one wanting to give the other flowers. So Cupid takes her bow and stretches the bow, then a Frisbee came flying beside her. She didn't think much about it.

As Cupid stretched the bow a Great Dane came running and knocked down Cupid making her let go of the bow string.

It missed the girls and hit a bench, a car, a soccer ball and then Jack. Cupid thought to herself 'That is weird I never hit the wrong person'. She took out her phone and talked to the one and only Jesus.

"Jesus," She whispered. "What?" He asked her. "I hit the wrong person" Jesus screamed. Cupid started to worry. "This happens to much, Come back here" He grumbled. Cupid signed as she went to the other side.

Jack felt his head getting dizy, as Bella talked Jack started blushing, "Werid, I never felt this way around her. Do I have Covid" He thought to himself. "Jack?" Bella waved her hand infront of him. Jack came back to reality.

"What?" Jack asked. "Umm, you ok?" She asked. "Yep" He replied. "Well, I should get going" Bella smiled, as she left. Jack blushed tomato red. As he ran off to his house.

Jack sat by his bed looking at the stars in the sky, 'What's wrong with me,' He thought to himself. 'Do I have a crush on Bella,' He shook his head. 'What?No! Of course not' 

He heard a knock on his door, he got up and opened it. It was Bella. "Bella?" Jake said to the girl. "Hey!" She said, as she walked in. "Room Is still the same" She said, looking around. 

"You only been here a few days ago" Jake says. He looks at her up and down. Blushing red. 'Mabye I do have a crush on her' He thought to himself. He took a deep breath, took Bella by the Ccollar and kissed her. Surprised, Bella kissed him back. 

" Had too" Jack said. "Again?" Bella asked.

They kissed, again

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2022 ⏰

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