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The girls were gathered around in Vivviana's room

Lilliana and Vivviana on the bed and Cicciana on the floor across from the bed en Zizziana on the chair by the desk next to the bed on the right side of the bed.

Lilliana ripped the pillow from under Vivviana and put it under her own head while Vivviana glared at her.

''I was using that, Lilly'' Vivviana sighed shaking her head.

Lilly smirked ''yeah well now i'm using it, plus you already have a pillow. ''

''Go get a pillow from your own room.''Vivviana said, but didn't move to take away the pillow from under Lilliana knowing Lilliana would'nt stand up to go get another pillow.

Vivviana might be the one that has a short temper, but Lilliana holds grudges like it was nobody's business. They have no doubt that Lilliana remembers everything they did and would happily remind them of it.Hence is why Vivviana didn't take the pillow back.

Cicciana snickered from the floor sharing a look with Zizziana.

''Girls, dinners ready.'' William Viotto called to his daughters.

Zizziana jumped up eagerly from their chair ''Yes, finally i'm starving.''

Lilliana stared at her  ''How can you be starving you just ate a chocolate."

''Exactly a chocolate doesn't make me full.''Zizziana quickly swung the door open and skipped down the stairs.The girls followed after Zizziana shaking there heads.

Emily was putting the food on the table and looked up when she heard her daughters coming down from the stairs.

''you girls hungry'' Emily ask chuckling.

''This looks awesome mom''Cicciana said, while siting down with her sisters, their dad taking the seat on the end of the table and their mom sitting at the other end of the table. Vivviana sat on the left side of her dad, next to Zizziana, who sat on their mom's right side. Lilliana sat across from Zizziana and Cicciana sat across from Vivviana.

Emily looked to her left at Cicciana and gave a smile in respond.

''Well than eat up'' Emily gave a small laugh, but Zizziana was already eating even before her mother went to sit down.

William laughed at his daughter.

It was silent all you  could hear for a while was just the scraping of plates, it was a comfortable silence  until William broke the silence.

''What did you all do today'' he asked looking at his wife and daughters.

Vivviana rolled her eyes they were always inside or in the yard there wasn't much today so they all found amusement in annoying each other or to get a rise out of one another.

Zizziana knowing fully well her sisters wouldn't reply ''The usual. As always.'' That was there reply when their father or mother would ask them that question.

William nodded and looked at his wife.

Emily gave a small smile to her husband ''Went to the store and well that's that today was quite the lazy day.'' He gave a chuckle '' how was work''

Lilliana zoned out not really wanting to hear about the conversation happening. Every time they have dinner she couldn't help but think how boring it was well the conversation. She loved her family would do anything for them without hesitation, but sometimes she couldn't help but wonder if this was the life her parent wanted to live. Around the table the girls were quite always in their own mind while William and Emily talked asking the girl questions now and then but as always getting vague reply's.

Emily wished the girls could live normal life's and having fun and do the thing all normal people do but her daughters are not normal with their strange ability's and if anyone other than them were to see it, the girls wiould become experiments or just things instead of a living being and she would rather die than let that happen and knew William would fight to make sure their save in anyway. But the world is a cruel, cruel place. Now they would have their daughters not know that yet, but little did they know the girls knew much more than just the world being a cruel place the world needed saving from the humans and not just the world but animals, they knew humans were far from being saved.

They knew their parents might be humans too and they knew there are some humans who are not a lost cause but most humans are far than just lost causes. Unfortunately small kids and newly borns are forced to grow up with cruel  humans and learn their way and become just like them, lost causes.

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