Chapter 1 (a brand new school year)

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Eclair POV:
I woke up from the sound of my alarm clock, I rejected it 3 times before I reluctantly rolling out of bed. I took a shower and blow dry my hair before using a flat iron and a brush. I then went to my closet to wear my uniform, tie and pants. After I ate my breakfast before bunning up my hair and went out of the house. I walked out with a smile on my face this year is the year where he get a roomate and the only thing that will make me happier is that Espresso could be my roomate. Even if Espresso is not my roomate at least he is in most of my classes!(I guess) Latte, Espresso older sister, told me all about Espresso and his timetable and cheer me on to get closer to him. I took out my phone to look at my phone once I reach to the school gates.

Chat:Latte🏳️‍⚧️(that lesbian bish)
  :are you at school yet?
E:yea, why u ask?
L:wanna see my crouchy grey bro
:wru btw?
L:near the cafe geting coffee
E:I on my way!

I make my way to the cafe to met both Latte and Espresso. "Heya Eclair!" Latte tried to scared me but failed to, as usual. "Where your brother?" Latte look around before whispering into my ear 'behind you' I turn around to see Espresso reading a book. I greet Espresso and he gave me a nod in return obviously, not caring about his surroundings. "So are you excited about who is your roommate! Hopefully is someone I know!" "Yeah...hopefully...."I gave a weak response as I really hope for the best that my roommate and I could atleast get along. "Latte I already told you that your loud voice will hurt others didn't I?"Espresso said monotone like. Latte round his eye before getting into a fight with eachother. "Guys! Class is bound to start we gotta go!" All of us ran to our classroom, which is the same as we did not want to be late on the first day.
When we reach to class,everyone was talking happily  and when Espresso when inthe noise level when down. Espresso is alway has been seen as a blunt and strict, but Latte say he does has a soft side soooo I won't say he blunt or any thing.
The teacher then walk in and set up the her computer. "Alright class, since today is the first day of school so I will be assigning all of you to your dorm room." The teacher then gave out a piece of paper and a pair of keys to our apartment. "Alright, class dismiss. You all can go find your dormroom and stay. Class only start next week."
As soon as the class was dismissed all of them when to thier dormroom, but I decided to get some food before heading towards the dormroom.
I reach to my dormroom. I opened the door before stepping in to the dormroom. It was pretty nice actually, I decided to take the room on the left and to my surprise it was how I wanted it to be. I quicky unpack all of my stuff and that includes my hair wash, clothing, blanket, uniform, hair ties and others. I have lot of unpacking to do.
After I was done unpacking, I went to the kitchen and took out the frozen yogurt I had brought. I placed myself onto the crouch. Just then, a voice greeted me. It felt so familiar......wait.... "ESPRESSO COOKIE!"

[Ok I amma stop this chapter here...I will be posting next one soon thought. This is my first time so I hope you enjoyed it!]
-TeamS4(The lazy creator)
Word count:643

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