Main character info?

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Hi welcome, I will be explaining most of the main character and Au so if you disagree with me....just ignore this chapter....I honestly will give a head up before the chapter start so yeah......

Espresso Cookie
Age: 18
Gender: Male (Gay)
Height: 150 cm
Best subject : Math and Science
Worset subject: -Nothing-
Favorite subject: Science
Specialized in: Coffee magic and Dark Cacoa coffee weapons
Love: no one at the moment
Crush: no one at the moment
(his an idiot that rarely show love for others, and may be he have a crush....who know! -Probably Eclair-)

Eclair Cookie
Age: 18
Gender: Male(BI)
Height: 160 cm
Best subject : History
Worset subject: Science
Favorite subject: History
Specialized in: Collecting relics and knowing events of the past
Love: no one at the moment
Crush: Espresso Cookie

Latte Cookie
Age: 19
Gender: Female (Lesbian)
Height: 160 cm
Best subject : English and Literature
Worset subject: PE(physical education)
Favorite subject: English and Literature
Specialized in: Latte magic
Love: no one at the moment
Crush: Raspberry Cookie

Raspberry Cookie
Age: 19
Gender: Female (BI)
Height 165cm
Best subject : PE(physical education)
Worset subject: English
Favorite subject: PE(physical education)
Specialized in: Fencing
Love: no one at the moment
Crush: Latte Cookie

Info for further chapter :
-Espresso was able to skip a year of school year due to his good grades so both Latte, Eclair and him are in the same year. Welp, hope that not so confusing
-yeah...Latte and Raspberry might end up together (probably a short short part of the story i guesssss??????)
-Espresso does not sleep much so he pretty forgetful (not always!)
-Eclair always had a hard having a full conversation with Espresso (he very shy towards Espresso only)
-Both Espresso and Eclair are pretty cold-hearted to other

Hope you like most of the HC I have gave to the character, also if you want to add on or disagree with me, you can add a comment and text me on Instagram!
User: crk_teams4_wattpad
Feel free to follow for my Instagram more updates about this book or just commenting or suggesting what you want to see next!
Author out!

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