chapter 4

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Malhotra industries
Manik is sitting in the cabin and thinking about nandini.

M(in mind) :-i know what I did was wrong, but what to do nandu, I became blind seeing mukthi's pain. On the day of Mukabhi's marriage you told me if anything happen's between mukti and abhi means, our marriage will be most effected but am just a fool didn't understand your words, instead I blamed you as selfish.
I regret it very much, please come back jaan just give me one chance I will correct everything, living without you is pure torcher to me.

Manik thought's broken by his PA John.

M:-what happened John.

John:-sir it's about project with Murthy industries.

M:-Murthy industries (in mind :- is it Abhi's company, no no he don't wanted us to find them, how can he keep the same again, in world their are many people with murthy surname). So what is project John.

John:-sir it's about raw materials supplied for our industries, due to some issues we cancelled our contract with last company sir. Now murthy industries is best choice sir, they are very honest and have good reputation sir.
We can make contract with them for next 5years.

M:-ok John arrange a meeting with them.
Now am going to school to pickup the children.

John:-ok sir.

Manik went to school in his car

Nandini was sitting in cabin after a long operation, she was thinking about past.

N(in mind):- it's very easy for you na manik, to throw me out of your life like am just a piece of sh*t. You said you regreted meeting me, but on our marriage day you said you are lucky to met me.
You are using words how you want according to your will. Why am blind to see you true face, why I let you enter my life when I know you will break me one day, you anger and love for you sister cost me a life full of pain, why I married mukti to my brother even after knowing their relation will not lost long, For marriage love is not alone enough, we have to trust our partener fully, I know mukti can never trust bhai fully, she has many insecurities after betrayed by harshad. But I trusted my baby mukti atleast she will trust me and give bhai a chance to explain.
I thought my bacha mukti will be brought out from darkness by Bhai, so I sacrificed my bhai and pushed him into darkness by myself. Now am daily seeing his suffering, am such a bad sister.
But what to do I thought mukti is my first child, but what a irony she never consider me as her mother, she thought am harming her. Manik malhotra don't come in front me again, may be I will kill you if I see your loved filled eyes again, because they are nothing but fake, I will never fall into your trap again.(wiping her tears).

Nandini called her assistant doctor Rachel.

N:-rachel am going to school to pick up chidren call me if it as any emergency.

Rach:-ok mam.

Nandini went to school in her car.

At school
Classes are over, Everyone was out, Ayaan was pulling divyanka's leg.

Ay:-waise lady bheem, show me the guy who dared to tease you, I want to see his face once.

Divy:-why you want to see him, it's not like you will beat him for commenting on me. (Making a bad face).

Ay:-I just want to sympathize with him and help him consult a psychiatrist.

Divy:-ayaan if you want your nose to be not turn into red like tomato, don't irritate me, your savior nainika is also not their, no one can save you from me. (Showing her fist👊).

Ayaan surrender his hands in defeat.
At the same time. A girl came.

Girl:-divyanka, that guy whose teased nainika last week came with parents, he came in expensive car.

Divy:-he still dared to come to school premises, I will break his bones today.
(Saying this she took a hockey stick and went outside).

Ro:-I think we should follow her, what if she is injured.

Ay:-oye majnu what are you talking, can anyone defend against your laila when she fights I pity on that boy. Come we will buy some snacks from canteen,  am hungry we can watch a good show along with  eating some snacks.

Sam:-you ate all my chocolate's in classroom just 10 min back, now you are hungry again, such a bhukkhad you are ayaan.

Ay:-don't eye on my stomach makeup kit,
You know able to eat everything also a blessing, how a dieting freak like you will understand it, leave it.(shaking his head in disbelief).

Everyone followed him to canteen.

In parking lot
Divyanka went fast leaving girl behind, she searched for expensive car and breaked it glasses with hockey stick.
A man in business suit came from back of car and shocked to see his broken car glass.

Man:-what the hell who dared to break my car, manik malhotra's car.

So guys how is the chapter.

What you thought about manik and nandini thought's.......?
Manan are coming to school will they meet. .........?
Divyanka broke manik's car glass let's see father and daughter's fight, who will win monster or mini monster........?

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