Chapter 14

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Manik felt his whole world is collapsed.
His sister for whom he even left his love betrayed him like this, he thought he was pampering her, but he was making selfish. He was wrong, instead of correcting her mistakes he supported her. He can't blame her completely, because he was reason for her to develop such a character. Manik thoughts came to halt by feeling a hand on his shoulder.
His eyes teard seeing the person, the person knelt down beside him and took him into hug. That's it manik brust into cries. Person's eyes teard feeling his pain but she controlled them.

M:- nandu nandu she was ready to leave me, she didn't even think about me once.
I left so much for her, I even pushed you away for her, see what I got in return, may be it's karma.

N:-manik I know you feel terrible, this is what I felt when you pushed me away.
I felt hundered times more pain than this. It's not always about your sister manik am your life partener manik, we promised to live together till death meet us, but you destroyed everything, I never stopped  your  love to your sister, but even love has limit, limitless love can only bring disaster. I forgive you today because from today I don't want to see you again, go away from here. You can meet your kids if you want, I will never opposite it, but I will never accept you again as my husband. That day when you raised your hand on your pregnant wife , that day you lost right as my husband.
That slap woke me up. Why women need male support in her life, she has to endure everything just because of nuptil chain.
I have my self respect I can only forgive you, I will never accept you. I dont need any male support to lead my life, I can rise my children alone. Take care of yourself manik.(kissing him on forehead)
I love you but I will never be yours.

Saying this nandini got up

M:-can you give me one last chance to mend up your broken heart jaan

N:-some broken things will never be mended.
You lost me the day when you asked me to go away from your life manik malhotra.

Saying this nandini walked away.

M:-yes I lost you, I lost you my love, am sorry, I broken my promise of forever to you.(crying).

After sometime
At hospital
Manik entered hospital with dispirited look. Cabir noticed him and went to him took him into hug.

C:-nandini called me are you ok manik.

M:-still alive(chuckling sadly) how is mukti.

C:-she is fine but........

M:-what happened.

C:-due to mental stress, she became crazy.

M:-what(manik looked shocked).

C:-she may recover after treatment.

M:-send her to USA, Appoint a care taker to her, please don't let her come in front me. Am going please take care. I prepared shares of malhotra industries for children.

C:-where are you going.

M:-don't know, but I will come again take care of kids.

Manik left from their no one knows where he went. Cabir admitted mukti to well known hospital in USA and appointed a care taker to her. Everyone's life returned to normal. After 2 years Abhi married Avni a single mother of 12 years old boy rishi. Naina slowly accepted her but she visits her mother every year. She can't forgot her mother who gave birth to her even though she was disappointed in her. Mukti was cured after 3 years but she was living alone. She was repenting her mistakes, missing her brother. Nandini never married again her only principle, she don't need a man again in her life.

So this is end of story epilogue is coming up.

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