Date with Ruby

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Naruto was in deep thought in his 'team's' dorm as he heard a knock on his door.

It was Ruby.

She smiled at him and asked. "Hi Naruto, are you free today?"

Naruto nodded. "I am."

Ruby said. "I'd like to travel several cookie shops around Atlas and I'd like you to come with me."

Naruto smiled. "I'd love to. Lead on, Ruby."

So the red pair walked around Atlas with Naruto paying for most of the cookies. They finally arrived at one such area where they sat at one table with cookies for their meal. Ruby ordered milk and dipped one cookie on it and offered one to Naruto.

"Got milk?"

Naruto shrugged. "Let's give it a try." He dipped his cookie onto the milk and ate it. He nodded and smiled. "It's tastes better with milk." Ruby beamed at him.

The pair continued eating their cookies in silence as Naruto stared at the young Huntress before him. A happy go lucky girl whose light of hope expands to her team and has changed them for the better.

Including him.

Ruby smiled at him and said. "I think I want to try examining your weapons, Naruto. I never got the chance before at Beacon."

Naruto nodded. "Sure thing. Maybe you can add some modifications to them while you're at it."

They went to one workshop inside Atlas Academy and Naruto pulled out his rune blade Legacy of Kharadun and his Basculus. Ruby gently took his sword from him and began examining it with a critical eye. She noted. "This blade. You didn't take it to Pietro because it's modified with magic."

"Good eye Ruby. Yes, I enchanted it personally with the magic from the Yotsuba clan."

"It seems to be meant for two hands but it feels lighter than it actually is. I also noticed some inscriptions on it which I'm guessing are your enchantments. Clearly it is crafted with bones, just sharpened." Ruby analyzed.

Naruto nodded. "I'm impressed. Then again, you're a weapons freak so it's to be expected that you can tell which is which."

Giving his sword back to him, Ruby picked up his Basculus and gripped it. She noted. "What do you use this staff thing for?"

Naruto explained. "I need it to focus my nature powers like wind, lightning, fire, and water."

Ruby asked. "Suppose you lose it?"

Naruto shrugged. "I can simply make another one but if I can't, I'd rather use it on a small scale because I once accidentally hurt a butler with fire when I try to practice it."

Ruby winced. "I'm sorry."

Naruto waved it off. "Not your fault."

Ruby transformed the staff into a sniper rifle which she analyzed. "Pump-action sniper rifle. That uses cells like the one loaded into it. It isn't Dust but rather a different energy source altogether. What is this?"

"Microfusion cells. I use it for ammo for my gun." Naruto answered and Ruby ejected one cell from the gun and examined it. She frowned that she can't use it for Crescent Rose. She loaded it back to the holorifle.

Ruby said with a twinkle on her eye. "I know three ways I can modify your gun, Naruto. Increase its effectiveness."

Naruto leaned back on the chair his sitting. "Surprise me."

Ruby set out to gather the materials she had in mind and Naruto watched as she worked with on his gun with all the skill of a blacksmith and all the focus of a gun nut. Two and a half hours of constant concentration on modifying his holorifle and she added three to it just like she said.

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