By your side until the flames go out

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A\N: Another Castle ficlet while I get my motivation back up and running.
Title: By your side until the flames go out.
Summary: Rick is by Kate's side after he has a nightmare.
Characters: Kate, Rick.
Pairings: Kate/Rick.
POVs: Third person.
Chapter count: 1.

Kate lays her head on Rick's chest, allowing the thumping of his heart to make her sleepy. "I don't wanna go back to sleep." Kate says softly, fear seeping into her voice. She feels Rick's chest rise as he takes a deep breath. "Is that because you're afraid to close your eyes? Because you'll see me and the apartment engulfed in flames?" Rick asks her quietly. Kate's eyes close and she shivers when she sees the bright orange flames and hears Rick's screams, along with her own. Her eyes snap open when she feels Rick stroking her arm soothingly.

"You're okay, Kate." Rick whispers. Kate sighs and burrows her head deeper into Rick's warm t-shirt clad chest. "I know but I don't want to go to sleep just yet, can we just stay awake just a little while longer?" The detective asks. She feels the bestselling author kiss her hair.

"Of course, whatever you want." Rick tells her softly. "Just know I'm with you." He continues in the same soft voice she's used with her all night.

"Always?" Kate asks, playing with the hem of his black t-shirt.

"Always, until the flames go out." Rick tells her, watching as she falls asleep on his chest.

"Until the flames go out." Rick whispers once more and follows Kate into dreamland.

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