chapter 2

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Albedo gives a soft, low chuckle dripping with deceit. "You really just drank a mysterious potion without hesitation?" He lifts your chin to him, thumb resting
just under your lips. "How adorable."

Your heart pounds wildly in your chest, making your head throb. With a few steady breaths, you manage to get it to settle down. You stretch your arm over Albedo's shoulder to get his coat to encompass the two of you and use it to scooch closer to him. Your thigh is pressed close to his, and you inattentively tap your knee against his.

Albedo lacks any meaningful body heat to warm you up, remaining a neutral temperature even in a frigid environment such as Dragonspine. Lucky for you, whatever was in the potion seems to start to seep into your system. Your cheeks are pricked with intense heat, and all of your muscles seem to relax slowly. You sink into him all at once, shifting so you can lay your head on his chest.

Before you realize you're doing it, your hand travels up the alchemist's chest and to his neck. His breath hitches in the back of his throat as your fingers ghost across his diamond shaped mark. You turn his jaw toward your face and crane your head up to lock him in what you intended as a lazy kiss, but turns out much more fervent than you expected.

You lean forward helplessly as Albedo pulls away, watching coyly as you fall short. "So needy," he teases. He runs a hand through your hair and down to cup your cheek. His thumb brushes your bottom lip, and you close your lips around the pad of his finger without thinking.

Everything feels like it's moving at a different pace, as if you're moving too fast and everything else is slow in comparison. You try to form coherent thoughts, but all you can think about is how warm you feel. The gusts of chilly air are no longer annoying, but a cool relief. Your cheeks pound dully, flush spread across your face to your neck and the tips of your ears.

You blame the heat in your cheeks on the warmth radiating from the fire. Albedo slips a hand around your waist to pull you into him and you melt into his touch. His free hand twirls a lock of your hair between his fingers absently, your mind wandering as you stare at the fire reflections dancing on the walls.

An eternity seems to come and go and you feel as if you've been slowly boiling in a pot. The heatwaves overwhelm you, making your head spin and breathe heavily through your nose.

"Ah- hot..." you mumble, pulling your way out of Albedo's coat draped across the two of you like a blanket. You try to stand, but your equilibrium fails you as everything goes slanted. Albedo catches you as you stumble, a ghost of a smirk on his lips.

His face is a hair's breadth away from yours, teal eyes dancing with the fiery colors of the hearth. "You should be more careful," he whispers against your neck and the shiver goes straight to between your legs.

You pant under your breath as Albedo presses featherlight kisses along your neck and jawline, making you squirm in his arms. "Ah- hah... Albedo..." Forming words feels overcomplicated.

"You're so vulnerable right now," Albedo murmurs, left hand sliding down to grab the plush of your ass. "I could do anything I wanted to you."

So close to you, you can smell the faint mustiness of chalk on the alchemist, an ever present dull scent that was so very him. A whimper escapes you before you can stop it, practically liquifying in his arms.

Albedo gives a low coo. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?" His hands move at a deliberate snail-like pace as he strips you of your shirt, slowly undoing the buttons before finally it slides off your shoulders and onto the ground.

Icy wind hits you and you sigh as the cold cools the heat under your skin. You're standing with shaky legs, supported by Albedo's weight as his warm tongue trails over a hard nipple. You tremble and whine, but Albedo just steadies you and nips at you. A brief flash of pain makes you gasp as teeth connect with sensitive skin, and the sensation is sent directly to your groin.

Your legs wobble involuntarily and your head feels filled with a thick haze. Albedo only chuckles. "Look at how helpless you are," he purrs. He scoops you into his arms and turns to set you on the edge of one of the tables.

The second your weight is fully on the table you go limp, falling back onto your elbows. Your arms wobble with effort and fall weakly out from under you as you pant softly.

"What a willing little test subject," Albedo hums thoughtfully. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you knew what was in that potion and still drank it."

You can't help but make a pathetic noise crossed somewhere between a sigh and a whimper. Albedo's gaze is firmly locked on you, analytical eyes scanning all over you. You feel hot under his intense stare. Your mouth feels dry and sticky, and your tongue sits like lead.

Pounding frantically behind your ribcage is your erratic heart, threatening to burst out. Short, hot breaths land on Albedo's neck as he peppers kisses over every inch of your exposed chest. You want to reach a hand to run through his hair, but your arms have never felt heavier.

"Your heart is racing," Albedo whispers, lips pressed softly against your pulse on your neck. "Do you fear what I will do, or are you just enjoying this that much?" His teeth sink into the groove of your neck and you have just enough energy to whine.

When he finally pulls away, cold air meets the bite-marked hickey, and you can feel it throbbing dully. Your head feels both light and stuffed at the same time, and your entire body is burning from the inside out.

The ache between your legs is almost unbearable. You muster up enough strength to grind your hips up against Albedo and you feel him smirk on your collar bones.

"How cute," Albedo chides. "Do you really think you are in charge here, even like this?" He strokes your cheek, and you croon into his gentle, dainty hand with a soft plea. A soft sigh escapes the alchemist. "Oh, no matter," he says in a resigned manner. "I am unable to resist you either way."

In one fluid motion, the lower half of your body is wholly exposed to the chill, clothing tossed elsewhere. The cold air hitting your wet sex makes you tense up, knees trembling. Albedo's smooth hands steady your knees and slowly spread your legs open.

"Hm, interesting," Albedo notes. He slides two fingers along your sex and shows you the clear fluid of your arousal. "It would appear the aphrodisiac is more potent than I originally thought." You can feel it dripping down your legs.

He uses your own slick to lubricate you, fingers just barely ghosting over your over-sensitive body. You twitch and choke back a whimper. Albedo peers down at you.

"I've barely touched you," Albedo says in a low voice, almost devious. "Are the effects heightening your sensitivity?"

1,240 words

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