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„Why are we here?" Shion questioned, looking at Enmu. „And why did we bring these huge tents? For camping? Who else is invited? I do not see anybody around."

They stood at the place where Y/N and Enmu met previously.

„I want to try something and I might need your help."

„What do you want me to do, this time?"

„I have been wondering for a while, if I can merge with objects."


„I mean something like possessing them." Enmu explained.

„Like, owning them? Could not you ask that at home?"

„No, I mean haunting them."

„Eh? Haunt? Like, a ghost? But you have a body... Wait! Did you haunt that body?! I would choose a bit taller one."

„No, this is the body I was born with, idiot! Well, it changed a lot, but it is still my own. Of course I have a body, I guess that would make me more of a parasite than a ghost... even though trains are not living organisms."

„I still do not understand anything. You want to haunt a train like a parasite? Like, try to drive it? I mean, drivers are like parasites, having their own body and moving something else around from the inside."

„No, no! Are you that stupid or are you messing with me?! You are driving me crazy right now!" Enmu whined, stomping his foot on the ground. „Look, fusing with transport is different from driving it."

„But is not living inside of house same as possessing it, if you have a body?"

„What? Listen carefully: Soon after turning into a demon, I figured I could detach my hand and move it separately, before returning it to my body. I was thinking, maybe I can detach my entire body and move it separately while the main parts of my body will be fused with this wrecked train. Anything could happen while I test this theory, so I need someone to protect the train from sunlight and bring me food if something goes wrong and I will get stuck here too long, unable to move. I may need your help until I will figure out how to go back to normal. I have no idea how much time it will take, hopefully I will be able to return my normal body as soon as possible.

„Could you repeat that more slowly? I am confused."

„Ughhh... here, maybe I can explain better by demonstrating my theory in a dream... sleep!" Enmu sighed, continuing to explain everything through Shion's dream before waking him up, „Do you understand what I meant, now?"

„I forgot what I was dreaming about... I briefly remember that you had to do some demoning business inside that train."

„YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME!!!" Enmu cried out, repeating his dream again until Shion finally memorized. „Understood?!"

„Yes, but why are you doing this? Sounds too risky."

„Mainly because I want to know my full capabilities and figure out how I can use them. I need to keep evolving."

„And how will this help you to evolve?"

„Pretty sure it can be fairly helpful. Besides I always thought trains are cool."

„What about Y/N? What if she does not like them?"

„I will not always stay fused."

„Are you sure? Sounds pretty risky."

My Nocturnal Flower ✿ Enmu x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now