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"We have to go," Oren hurriedly put on his clothes  while I stared at him from the bed.

"What's going on? He just said it was urgent. What could be so urgent?" I wanted to know what to expect if I was going in the lion's den.

"Could you please shut up and fix yourself up. I don't have time to explain right now." I had never seen Oren so agitated, he was like a dog called by his master. After that, I didn't say another word. I got up from the bed and wore my underwear. I also tried to fix my messy hair to make it look a little presentable. As soon as Oren was done, he approached me and gave me a kiss. I gave him a look that said what was that for?  and he said, "I'm sorry ... I ..." we heard another knock on the door. "Sir, your father is expecting you. Please hurry."

   Oren quickly took my hand and led the way. When we reached the sitting room, downstairs just across the hallway, Oren was welcomed by a slap across his face from his father. "I think I'll have to remind you the rules. When called, you have to come immediately. No matter where you are... or what you're doing." That last part Thomas Tremblay was looking at me. 

   "It won't happen again." I felt bad for Oren because I was the one who made us late by asking silly questions.

   "It was actually my fault. Oren was trying..."

   "Shut up, Lorelei." Oren stopped me before I could explain what happened.

   "Let her speak. I can see that she's just like her mother. Strong sense of justice must run in the family." He wanted to get under my skin but I couldn't let him. I resisted his attacks and kept quiet.

   "I think it's time to teach our new guest the rules here. Don't you think?" Thomas looked at Oren while saying that.

   Oren immediately fell down to his knees. "I'm begging you, father. Don't do this. She's... pregnant." His voice broke while saying the last part. I couldn't understand how a man could treat his own son as such, but this was no ordinary family. I was deeply touched by Oren's actions and in a way, I was starting to understand why he said he was trying to protect me.

   "Take her to the chamber." Chamber? What chamber? I asked myself. I hadn't taken his threats seriously, but now I was afraid. My hands became sweaty and my chest tightened.

    "Oren..." I tried to hold onto him as he was kneeling.

   "Don't be afraid. I'm right here." He tried to comfort me but he was also scared.

   "I'll take the punishment for her." Oren finally said.

   "Oh! but it's not a punishment. I'm just trying to establish some rules here," hearing Thomas Tremblay say that irked me to the core.

   "I can't risk the life of my wife and child, so take me instead." He sounded so determined, I almost forgot he was a killer like his father. I wanted to be happy that he was at least getting half of what he deserved, but I was not. It hurt me seeing him like that. Before I knew it, tears were flowing down my cheeks. It must be the pregnancy hormones, I tried to convince myself.

   "Don't cry, he won't be gone for long," Thomas said.

    Oren stood up, looked at me and said, "It's okay. I won't be gone for long." Suddenly, I felt so overwhelmed with emotions and burst into tears.  He took my face in his hands, wiped the tears and gave me a kiss. Then, he went with the butler.

    "Let's have a chat, shall we?" Thomas pointed to the couch. I wiped the tears off my face and sat down. I didn't have the time to examine the room as he quickly sat across, crossed his legs and gave me a cold look.

    "So, tell me. Why are you here?"

     "I'm here with my husband." I tried to be precise to avoid raising any suspicions.

     "As far as I'm concerned, you're here because of your mother."

     "I would like to know what happened to her, but that's not why I'm here." I could only hope that was convincing enough.

      Suddenly, I heard loud screams coming from the chamber. They were screams of pain. Oren. My chest tightened.

      "What are they doing to him?" I looked at Thomas with great distress.

      "They will do so much more if you don't tell me what you're doing here."

       That's when I knew it was a trap. It was all a set up to get me to show my cards.

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