Chapter 16

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I'd been stuck in meetings all morning and it was such a relief to finally sit at my own desk. Kicking my feet up, I leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes.

Only for the intercom to buzz. "Mr. Cole?" My secretary asked.

"What?" I didn't mean to sound so hostile, but I just wanted to relax for a few minutes.

"Miss Claire is here to see you."

I sighed. "Send her up."

I couldn't turn Claire away so I guess I just won't have a break before my next meeting. I could just cancel it. The idea was appealing, but I quickly brushed it away. I can't just cancel a meeting because I'm tired; life doesn't work that way.

There was a quick knock at my door which opened before I even got the chance to say "come in". What's the point of knocking if you are just going to barge in anyways?

Seeing it was Claire though, I sighed and calmed my temper.

"Hey Babe," Claire said as she walked over to me.

I put my feet down and she perched on my lap, just like always. It wasn't the most comfortable for me based on the way she was sitting, but whatever.

"Hi Claire. What are you doing here?" She didn't usually come by the office.

"I just came to remind you about the Gala next week."

That wasn't the reason she was here, I could tell. I knew about the Gala, after all, it was mine. Every year I throw a Charity Gala. Like I'd forget. I almost scoffed.

"I know, what about it?" I asked, getting right down to the point I knew she was about to make.

"I don't think Macie should come. She'll be too much a distraction."

I sighed. Every year Macie came to the Gala and since Claire has been in the picture, she's been trying to get me not to bring her.

"Macie is family, she is coming." And then an idea popped into my head. "If you are so worried about her being a distraction, I'll just have Lyra come too. She can watch her."

I had Claire backed into a corner here and I knew I'd won.

"Fine," Claire huffed and got off her seat on my lap, which I was fine with.

Claire then stormed out of the room, clearly upset that she hadn't gotten her way. It was one of the things I hated about Claire. Anytime she didn't get her way she was angry, it's so childish. But I try my best to look past that.

Glancing at my clock, I saw that I only had ten minutes until my next meeting. There goes my chance for a nap.

Sighing, I ran my hands through my hair and got my things ready for when my client got here.

After a long day at work, I wanted nothing more than to collapse into bed, but I had to talk to Lyra first. Since I knew I would be late tonight, I told Lyra she could watch Macie at the penthouse so she could go to sleep without a disruption.

It was barely nine o'clock when I got home, but it felt like midnight, I was so tired.

Lyra was waiting on the couch and eyed me with concern as I walked over and collapsed onto the cushions.

"Are you ok?" She asked. I nodded.

"Just tired."

Lyra nodded and i felt my eyelids fall shut. I heard Lyra stand up and I forced my eyes open. "Wait."

Lyra turned back around and faced me.

"I'm throwing a Charity Gala next week. Macie will be coming and I was wondering if you'd come as well and watch her."

"Sure, but I don't exactly have anything to wear to a Gala."

"Don't worry about that," I said, my words slurring with tiredness. "I'll handle it."

Lyra smiled and walked back over to the couch. "Come on," she said and hauled me to my feet. I groaned, but went with her. "You'll thank me later," Lyra chuckled.

She led me up the stairs and to my room. I collapsed on my bed and Lyra went so far as to take my shoes and jacket off before she left and I fell into a deep sleep.

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