Bonus Chapter

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Today's the day. The biggest day of my life.

I auditioned for one of my favorite baking shows and got in for their junior competition! And today is the first round!

The show films in Atlanta so I'm going to be staying with Aunt Hailey while I'm here. Mom wanted to come, but she couldn't leave the bakery. Or Jake. And he's still too young for all that travel.

But luckily Aunt Hailey convinced Mom and Dad to let me come and stay with her because I am going to destroy my competition and win this whole thing.

"How do I look?" I asked. There wasn't any time to change since I'm going on in two minutes, but I still asked.

"You look great," Aunt Hailey told me and I rolled my eyes.


"Yes," Aunt Hailey chuckled. "You look like a very professional ten year old."

I swatted Aunt Hailey's arm and then it was time to go into the kitchen where the competition would take place. There were twelve work stations for the twelve competitors and I took one right up front.

"Ok, kids," the host of the show said after the big introduction. "For your first challenge, you may bake anything you'd like. Show us what you do best."

I smiled to myself and got out all of my ingredients. The host went around to each kid and did little interviews to put in the show. It sounded like some of them were doing pretty fancy desserts. That's their mistake. They're trying too hard to impress meanwhile I'm going to go with something simple that I know will win.

"Hello Miss Macie," the host said, finally coming up to me.

"Hello," I said with a smile as I measured out my ingredients.

"What are you baking for us today?"


The host looked shocked for a moment but recovered quickly. I had to hide my smirk.

"What made you pick cupcakes?" The host asked.

I shrugged. "It's what I do best. My mom taught me when I was four so I've had lots of time to practice."

The host laughed. "Do you bake with your mom a lot?"

"Yup. She owns a bakery back home in New York and I help her there after school whenever I can."

"What's the name of the bakery?"

"The Sweet Spot. There's actually one here in Atlanta too that my aunt runs."

The host smiled. "I'll have to go check it out sometime."

I smiled back at the host before he moved on to another kid. Then I really got to work. I made two batches in case something went wrong so I pulled the first batch out of the oven and put the second batch in. Then I let them cool a bit before putting them in the fridge to chill the rest of the way.

While I was waiting on my cupcakes, I set in on the frosting. At the shop we call it Macie's Buttercream because me and mom make it differently. Mine's better, but she'll never admit that.

I kept working until the host called time. I'd had my cupcakes plated and perfect already and I was just frosting my extras since I had nothing else to do.

Each dish was brought up one by one as the judges, well, judged them. When it was finally my turn, I picked up my tray and set it down gently on the judges' table.

"I'd ask what we have here, but I think it's pretty obvious," one of the judges joked and I smiled at him.

"These are my famous cupcakes," I told him.

"Famous?" He asked as he cut into one of the three cupcakes.

"Well, famous to me. I've been selling them for years."

The judges all smiled at me and ate the cupcakes. I tried my best not to fidget while I waited, but it was hard. I wanted to know what they thought.

"Well Macie," a female judge said. "This might be the best cupcake I've ever had."

The third judge nodded in agreement. "You really made what you do best instead of trying to impress us with something over the top."

Told ya.

I smiled at the judges as they gave their input and went back to my work station. There were three more kids after me and then the judges discussed who the winner was. No one was going home this week, but the winner was granted immunity for next week. I won't need the immunity, but I still want to win every week.

"All right, I believe we've made our decision."

The first judge passed a card to the host who opened it and smiled.

"Our winner is..."



The biggest smile lit up my face as the host walked over to my station to hand me the card.

"Are those extra?" He asked, eyeing my cupcakes.

"Take as many as you want."

The host laughed and took one and so did some of my competitors, much to my surprise. They all congratulated me although some were more sincere than the others. Who cares though? I'm not here to make friends.

I'm here to win.

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